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A small Ruby gem that allows a Rails app to become an OAuth client of the Clickfunnels mothership


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A Rails engine that makes it easy to delegate authentication for a Rails site to Clickfunnels Login. See the test app for an example of using this gem.

This is based on the SoAuth projects. See for more details.


Add clickfunnels_auth to the Gemfile

gem 'clickfunnels_auth'

Generate an initializer

Run this command

rails generate clickfunnels_auth:install

This will create the following files


Create a new application in your main Clickfunnels mothership instance

Go to the /oauth/applications endpoint on the Clickfunnels installation that you want to integrate with. For development this will probably be http://localhost:5000/oauth/applications.

Create a new application, and set the callback URL to http://localhost:3001/auth/clickfunnels/callback. Change the port if you plan to run your client app on a different port. (See the optional section below.)

After creating the app make note of the Application Id and the Secret.

Set some environment variables for your client

In your new client project (where you installed this gem), you should set some environment variables. Using something like foreman is probably the best so that you can just set them in a .env file.


Be sure to use the Application Id you got in the last step as AUTH_PROVIDER_APPLICATION_ID and the Secret as AUTH_PROVIDER_SECRET.

Create a User model

If you haven't already done it, you should create a User model

rails generate model user email:string

Then be sure to run migrations.

rake db:migrate; rake db:test:prepare

Modify your User model

Add this line:

include ClickfunnelsAuth::UserHelper

Generate migrations from this addon

rails clickfunnels_auth_engine:install:migrations

Then run migrations.

rake db:migrate; rake db:test:prepare

Protect some stuff in a controller

Include the helper and then use a before_action to protect some controller actions.

include ClickfunnelsAuth::ControllerHelper
before_action :login_required

OPTIONAL : Change the default port of your new project

Since we're relying on clickfunnels_auth_provider to provide authentication, we need to run our new project on a different port in development. Open up config/boot.rb and add this to the bottom of the file. If you want to use a port other than 3001 just change the port as appropriate.

# Setting default port to 3001
require 'rails/commands/server'
module Rails
  class Server
    alias :default_options_alias :default_options
    def default_options
      default_options_alias.merge!(:Port => 3001)

Or you could just run your development server on a different port:

rails s -p 3001


unicorn -p 3001 -c ./config/unicorn.rb

or whatever.

This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.


We publish this gem on rubygems as it does not have anything private in it.

In general the steps in this RubyGems guild are quite good.

They are summarized in the following.


You'll need a to get your email added as an owner to the clickfunnels_auth gem on rubygems. Post a note to product-ops and somebody will be able to help.

Building the gem

Increment the gem version at lib/rucksack-api/version.rb, and then run rake build, which will create the package under pkg

Pushing the gem to rubygem

Run the following (with your new version) to push to github:

gem push pkg/clickfunnels_auth-0.1.2.gem

You should see something like:

Pushing gem to
Successfully registered gem: clickfunnels_auth (0.1.2)

Tag the new version

Tagging is very simple. Just run git tag -a 0.1.2 -m "Version 0.1.2" and then git push --tags to push them up to GitHub.


A small Ruby gem that allows a Rails app to become an OAuth client of the Clickfunnels mothership







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