Releases: Exawind/amr-wind
Releases · Exawind/amr-wind
- improved terrain capability
- linear interpolation for DragForcing
- better terrain search
- use bilinear interpolation for terrain height and roughness
- one-equation RANS with wall function support
- inflow-outflow BC incorporated into ABL workflow
- user can control number of plot and checkpoint files generated
Bug Fixes:
- avoid false negatives with interpolation time assertion of boundary planes
- time-dependent BCs correctly incorporated into advection, including boundary planes
- significant reduction in memory usage of samplers, including netcdf format
- pressure_outflow clips inflowing velocities by default, and pressure_inflow is deprecated
Bug fixes:
- corrections for reg tests and unit tests
- correction for python script (in tools/) for reading sampling particles
- completed corrections to ABL boundary plane usage at high BCs
- initial version of terrain-aware immersed forcing method
- probe sampler offset capability
- fixed point iterations within a physical time step
- dry run capability for testing input file validity
Bug fixes:
- tweaks for robustness of ocean wave forcing
- (incomplete) corrections to ABL boundary inflow at high BCs
Miscellaneous improvements and updates:
- Bug fix to interface_band
- Bounds checking for samplers
- Intermittency physics module added
- Improvements to ocean wave forcing (generation and out profile zones)
- Submodule updates
- Documentation improvements
Bug fixes to MMC feature (tendency forcing)
Features list and roadmap added to documentation
Change to PlaneSampler input arguments: improved clarity of offset vector + documentation
Fixes for format CI, OpenMP, and hypre regtest on GPUs
Bug fix for actuator line wing bounding box
Submodules update
Improvements to Zalesak initialization
Documentation updates
Sampling capability for integer fields
Postprocessing scripts (in /tools) can be included in regression testing
Further reduction of sampler memory usage
WENO-Z made default advection scheme; will abort if invalid scheme specified
Regression test fixes
Feature added: Inflow-outflow boundary condition
Other changes: memory usage of native sampling reduced, some functionality moved to AMReX-Hydro
FreeSurface post-processing routine changed to a Sampler
Time output precision/format made consistent between checkpoint files and boundary planes
WENO-Z implementation migrated to amrex-hydro
Many updates to amrex and amrex-hydro submodules