The SysSimDataInputScripts repository should be automatically installed as a submodule of SysSimData ( in a directory named inputs. Run scripts/makes.jl from the SysSimData directory (typically named data).
To generate the binary file KeplerMAST_TargetProperties.jld2 from inputs/KeplerMAST_TargetProperties.csv, run 'julia scripts/make.jl --make-target-properties'.
To download the CSV version of the stellar catalogs (useful for remaking binary files yourself), you'll want to run 'julia scripts/make.jl --download-stellar-catalog'.
There are some other scripts that aren't yet fully automated, but still may be useful:
- download_stellar_tables.jl: Downloads CSV stellar tables (can be called by 'scripts/make.jl')
- make_target_properties.jl: Makes 'KeplerMAST_TargetProperties.jld2' from 'inputs/KeplerMAST_TargetProperties.csv' (called by 'scripts/make.jl')
- combine_dr25_gaia.jl: For combining 'inputs/q1_q17_dr25_stellar.csv', 'gaiadr2_keplerdr25_crossref.csv', and 'KeplerMAST_TargetProperties.csv' into 'q1q17_dr25_gaia_fgk.jld'.
- convert_mcmc_quant_to_jld2.jl: For updating planet properties in 'inputs/q1_q17_dr25_koi.csv' with quantiles from MCMC posteriors stored in 'dr25_koi_mcmc_quant.csv'.
- make_small_osds.jl: Used to make 'dr25fgk_small_osds.jld2' from 'allosds.jld' for testing on laptops.
- parse_args.jl: Used by multiple scripts to parse command line arguments. Use 'julia scripts/make.jl -h' to see the command-line options.
If you would rather download and copy files manually, key files can be found in a Penn State's ScholarSphere Collection of SysSim Data Files.