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Releases: Expatria-Technologies/remora-flexi-hal


03 May 01:04
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This release updates the boot partition to support Rev 1.5 Pi4's.

The notes from V0.1A apply here; the rest of the image is unchanged.


06 Jan 03:02
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First release. Currently running on one machine, and should be considered experimental.

Included here is a Pi 4 image which built on the official LinuxCNC image. It is pre-configured with all of the required dependencies. The base configuration runs Probe Basic, and it functions as expected apart from the ATC tab, which currently does nothing. Unzip it and flash it to an SD card using dd, balenaEtcher, or the tool of your choice. The filesystem will be automatically resized on first boot to fill the entirety of the SD card.

Running the updater built into the Pi wizard will currently result in the image not booting after updating. Skip the updates until this can be corrected.

Feedback welcomed.