reversing CryScriptSystem.dll to detour lua calls to luajit
Name | section | IDA reported Address | Static address |
luaopen_table | .text | 0x00000000355665F0 | 0x665f0 |
luaopen_string | .text | 0x00000000355646A0 | 0x646a0 |
luaopen_package | .text | 0x000000003555C130 | 0x5c130 |
luaopen_os | .text | 0x000000003555D440 | 0x5d440 |
luaopen_math | .text | 0x000000003555B360 | 0x5b360 |
luaopen_io | .text | 0x0000000035558080 | 0x58080 |
luaopen_debug | .text | 0x0000000035551BA0 | 0x51ba0 |
luaopen_base | .text | 0x000000003554DE00 | 0x4de00 |
lua_yield | .text | 0x0000000035553810 | 0x53810 |
lua_xmove | .text | 0x0000000035547B10 | 0x47b10 |
lua_typename | .text | 0x0000000035548170 | 0x48170 |
lua_type | .text | 0x00000000355480A0 | 0x480a0 |
lua_touserdata | .text | 0x0000000035548E50 | 0x48e50 |
lua_topointer | .text | 0x0000000035549000 | 0x49000 |
lua_tonumber | .text | 0x0000000035548780 | 0x48780 |
lua_tolstring | .text | 0x0000000035548A50 | 0x48a50 |
lua_tointeger | .text | 0x0000000035548880 | 0x48880 |
lua_tocfunction | .text | 0x0000000035548D70 | 0x48d70 |
lua_toboolean | .text | 0x0000000035548970 | 0x48970 |
lua_status | .text | 0x000000003554A460 | 0x4a460 |
lua_setupvalue | .text | 0x000000003554A950 | 0x4a950 |
lua_settop | .text | 0x0000000035547BE0 | 0x47be0 |
lua_settable | .text | 0x0000000035549AD0 | 0x49ad0 |
lua_setmetatable | .text | 0x0000000035549F50 | 0x49f50 |
lua_setlocal | .text | 0x0000000035551D90 | 0x51d90 |
lua_sethook | .text | 0x0000000035551BD0 | 0x51bd0 |
lua_setfield | .text | 0x0000000035549BC0 | 0x49bc0 |
lua_setfenv | .text | 0x000000003554A0D0 | 0x4a0d0 |
lua_resume | .text | 0x00000000355541F0 | 0x541f0 |
lua_replace | .text | 0x0000000035547E30 | 0x47e30 |
lua_remove | .text | 0x0000000035547C40 | 0x47c40 |
lua_rawseti | .text | 0x0000000035549E20 | 0x49e20 |
lua_rawset | .text | 0x0000000035549CF0 | 0x49cf0 |
lua_rawgeti | .text | 0x0000000035549730 | 0x49730 |
lua_rawget | .text | 0x0000000035549640 | 0x49640 |
lua_rawequal | .text | 0x0000000035548440 | 0x48440 |
lua_pushvfstring | .text | 0x0000000035549260 | 0x49260 |
lua_pushvalue | .text | 0x0000000035547FC0 | 0x47fc0 |
lua_pushthread | .text | 0x0000000035549410 | 0x49410 |
lua_pushstring | .text | 0x00000000355491C0 | 0x491c0 |
lua_pushnumber | .text | 0x0000000035549110 | 0x49110 |
lua_pushnil | .text | 0x00000000355490F0 | 0x490f0 |
lua_pushlstring | .text | 0x0000000035549150 | 0x49150 |
lua_pushlightuserdata | .text | 0x00000000355493F0 | 0x493f0 |
lua_pushinteger | .text | 0x0000000035549130 | 0x49130 |
lua_pushfstring | .text | 0x00000000355492B0 | 0x492b0 |
lua_pushcclosure | .text | 0x0000000035549300 | 0x49300 |
lua_pushboolean | .text | 0x00000000355493D0 | 0x493d0 |
lua_pcall | .text | 0x000000003554A280 | 0x4a280 |
lua_objlen | .text | 0x0000000035548C50 | 0x48c50 |
lua_next | .text | 0x000000003554A610 | 0x4a610 |
lua_newuserdata | .text | 0x000000003554A7A0 | 0x4a7a0 |
lua_newthread | .text | 0x0000000035547B90 | 0x47b90 |
lua_newstate | .text | 0x0000000035561C40 | 0x61c40 |
lua_load | .text | 0x000000003554A3C0 | 0x4a3c0 |
lua_isstring | .text | 0x0000000035548360 | 0x48360 |
lua_isnumber | .text | 0x0000000035548270 | 0x48270 |
lua_iscfunction | .text | 0x0000000035548190 | 0x48190 |
lua_insert | .text | 0x0000000035547D30 | 0x47d30 |
lua_getupvalue | .text | 0x000000003554A810 | 0x4a810 |
lua_gettop | .text | 0x0000000035547BD0 | 0x47bd0 |
lua_gettable | .text | 0x0000000035549440 | 0x49440 |
lua_getstack | .text | 0x0000000035551C30 | 0x51c30 |
lua_getmetatable | .text | 0x00000000355498A0 | 0x498a0 |
lua_getlocal | .text | 0x0000000035551CB0 | 0x51cb0 |
lua_getinfo | .text | 0x0000000035552B80 | 0x52b80 |
lua_gethookmask | .text | 0x0000000035551C10 | 0x51c10 |
lua_gethookcount | .text | 0x0000000035551C20 | 0x51c20 |
lua_gethook | .text | 0x0000000035551C00 | 0x51c00 |
lua_getfield | .text | 0x0000000035549520 | 0x49520 |
lua_getfenv | .text | 0x00000000355499B0 | 0x499b0 |
lua_gc | .text | 0x000000003554A470 | 0x4a470 |
lua_error | .text | 0x000000003554A600 | 0x4a600 |
lua_dump | .text | 0x000000003554A410 | 0x4a410 |
lua_createtable | .text | 0x0000000035549830 | 0x49830 |
lua_concat | .text | 0x000000003554A710 | 0x4a710 |
lua_close | .text | 0x0000000035561E90 | 0x61e90 |
lua_checkstack | .text | 0x0000000035547A90 | 0x47a90 |
lua_call | .text | 0x000000003554A220 | 0x4a220 |
lua_atpanic | .text | 0x0000000035547B70 | 0x47b70 |
luaL_where | .text | 0x000000003554AAF0 | 0x4aaf0 |
luaL_unref | .text | 0x000000003554B3C0 | 0x4b3c0 |
luaL_register | .text | 0x000000003554C6F0 | 0x4c6f0 |
luaL_ref | .text | 0x000000003554B2F0 | 0x4b2f0 |
luaL_pushresult | .text | 0x000000003554B150 | 0x4b150 |
luaL_prepbuffer | .text | 0x000000003554AF40 | 0x4af40 |
luaL_optnumber | .text | 0x000000003554BD60 | 0x4bd60 |
luaL_optlstring | .text | 0x000000003554BBC0 | 0x4bbc0 |
luaL_optinteger | .text | 0x000000003554BEA0 | 0x4bea0 |
luaL_openlibs | .text | 0x0000000035556D80 | 0x56d80 |
luaL_newmetatable | .text | 0x000000003554AC10 | 0x4ac10 |
luaL_loadfile | .text | 0x000000003554B4D0 | 0x4b4d0 |
luaL_loadbuffer | .text | 0x000000003554B7A0 | 0x4b7a0 |
luaL_getmetafield | .text | 0x000000003554ACD0 | 0x4acd0 |
luaL_findtable | .text | 0x000000003554AE10 | 0x4ae10 |
luaL_error | .text | 0x000000003554AB60 | 0x4ab60 |
luaL_checkudata | .text | 0x000000003554B8D0 | 0x4b8d0 |
luaL_checktype | .text | 0x000000003554B990 | 0x4b990 |
luaL_checkstack | .text | 0x000000003554AC90 | 0x4ac90 |
luaL_checkoption | .text | 0x000000003554C530 | 0x4c530 |
luaL_checknumber | .text | 0x000000003554BCA0 | 0x4bca0 |
luaL_checklstring | .text | 0x000000003554BB30 | 0x4bb30 |
luaL_checkinteger | .text | 0x000000003554BE10 | 0x4be10 |
luaL_checkany | .text | 0x000000003554BA10 | 0x4ba10 |
luaL_callmeta | .text | 0x000000003554AD50 | 0x4ad50 |
luaL_buffinit | .text | 0x000000003554B2D0 | 0x4b2d0 |
luaL_argerror | .text | 0x000000003554B7D0 | 0x4b7d0 |
luaL_addvalue | .text | 0x000000003554B1A0 | 0x4b1a0 |
luaL_addlstring | .text | 0x000000003554B030 | 0x4b030 |
missing functions :
seems to be unused