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Metadata Generator Script

Script to generate dhis2 metadata from google sheets.


To use this script we need to create a .env.local file in the root directory of the project. This file will be ignored by git, but please be careful with your credentials.

It should look like this:

BUILD_METADATA=false # true or false
PULL_METADATA=false # true or false
PULL_UID_ONLY=false # true or false
UPDATE_SERVER=false # true or false

The first time, we have to run yarn install and yarn build to install all the dependencies. After that, you can run yarn build-metadata to generate and update the metadata , yarn download-ids to get the metadata IDs, yarn pull-data-set to pull a dataSet metadata or yarn pull-ev-program to pull a event program metadata.

In case of doubt use yarn start metadata --help or yarn start metadata <subcommand> --help.


Build metadata JSON from a spreadsheet and upload it to DHIS2 instance:

  --dhis-url <str>         - http://USERNAME:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT
  --google-key, -g <value> - Google Api key
  --sheet-id, -s <value>   - Google Spreadsheet ID
  --path, -p <value>       - JSON output path (file or directory) [optional]
  --merge-mode -m         - [DHIS2 merge mode]( (default to MERGE)

  --local-run, -l  - Don't upload metadata to DHIS2 instance
  --update-coc, -c - Update category option combos
  --help, -h       - show help


  shell:~$ yarn start metadata build-metadata --dhis-url='http://admin:district@localhost:8080' --google-key=.... --sheet-id=..... -l --path=./foo/metadata.json


Gets the IDs of the sheet metadata from DHIS2 instance and exports to CSV file.

The first time, we have to run `yarn install` to install all the dependencies.
After that, you can just run `yarn start` to generate and update the metadata.

  --dhis-url <str>         - http://USERNAME:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT
  --google-key, -g <value> - Google Api key
  --sheet-id, -s <value>   - Google Spreadsheet ID
  --path, -p <value>       - CSV output path (file or directory) [optional]

  --help, -h - show help


  shell:~$ yarn start metadata download-ids --dhis-url='http://admin:district@localhost:8080' --google-key=.... --sheet-id=..... -l --path=./foo/


Gets the dataSet metadata from DHIS2 instance and exports to CSV file.

  --dhis-url <str>       - http://USERNAME:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT
  --data-set, -d <value> - dataSet to pull ID
  --path, -p <value>     - CSV output path (directory) [optional]

  --help, -h - show help


  shell:~$ yarn start metadata pull-data-set --dhis-url='http://admin:district@localhost:8080' --data-set=AAAAAAAAAAA --path=./foo/


Gets the Event Program metadata from DHIS2 instance and exports to CSV file.

  --dhis-url <str>            - http://USERNAME:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT
  --event-program, -d <value> - eventProgram to pull ID
  --path, -p <value>          - CSV output path (directory) [optional]

  --help, -h - show help


  shell:~$ yarn start metadata pull-ev-program --dhis-url='http://admin:district@localhost:8080' --event-program=AAAAAAAAAAA --path=./foo/



We can create or modify metadata in dhis2 by simply using the official Maintenance app. But sometimes this is a slow process.

Instead, we can specify the metadata in a spreadsheet with a specific format, so we can manipulate it quickly, and when we are happy with it just run this script.

The script will generate a json file containing all the information that dhis2 needs to update the metadata, and also connect to a dhis2 server to update the metadata directly.

If you need to generate only the json set the UPDATE_SERVER option to false.

The PULL_METADATA and PULL_UID_ONLY flags allows to retrieve the metadata of the metadata items referenced in the spreadsheet from a DHIS2 instance. Setting both PULL_METADATA and PULL_UID_ONLY flag means the script only performs the UIDs retrieval function. The PULL_METADATA_CSV_PATH variable will store the path where the CSV files will be written. If empty, the current working directory will be used. If you need to generate only the json use the local-run flag.

If you want to manually upload the generated json file to a dhis2 instance, use its Import/Export app, go to Metadata import and use Merge as the "import strategy".

If dhis2 fails to automatically update all the category option combinations (which happens occassionally and is a dhis2 issue), you can use the Data Administration app, go to Maintenance, select Update category option combinations and click on the Perform Maintenance button. Alternatively, you can just set in the .env.local file the UPDATE_CATEGORY_OPTION_COMBOS option to true.

Default category combo

-To get the default categoryCombo used at a dhis2 instance, go to the -following endpoint: -/api/categoryCombos.json?filter=name:eq:default&fields=id,name .

How the default category combo is used

-If you want to understand what is special about the default category-combination and how it works in dhis2, you can check this talk by Jim-Grace (and maybe these -slides).

-It is used at least in dataElements, dataSets, and programs. +The path option will store the path where the CSV files will +be written. If empty, the current working directory will be used.


With this tool we can get the IDs of a spreadsheet's metadata from a DHIS2 instance. For now, two elements can't have the same name, which is possible in DHIS2.

The path option will store the path where the CSV files will be written. If empty, the current working directory will be used.

Accessing google spreadsheets

To access the spreadsheets, you need a google api key. You can see how to get one at the google developers documentation site.

The spreadsheet needs to have sharing permissions with, at least, anyone that has the link to it (and not only anyone within your organization). This is necessary because we use an api key to access the spreadsheet, but we could avoid it if we used OAuth2 authentication (and in that case, we could also write on the spreadsheet). It would be harder to implement, though, and seems unnecessary.

Metadata spreadsheet template

You can find an example spreadsheet to use as a template for introducing metadata at Metadata template.

The last sheet it has, called DHIS2, is used to created named ranges to use as data validation (and thus also get drop-down menus in google spreadsheets).

Extending the script

Adding new metadata

This script understands only a limited amount of all the metadata that exist in dhis2.

You can extend it to add other kinds of metadata. For that, you will need to understand how dhis2 represents those new kind of metadata.

To see what fields will be necessary, you can inspect with your browser the api calls made when you add new metadata from the Maintenance app.

Another option is to go to one of the servers at and export its metadata with the Import/Export app. Then, you can for example use jq to learn about it. A few examples follow.

To see the keys present in the top-level object:

cat metadata.json | jq 'keys_unsorted'

To see the first in the list of programRules:

cat metadata.json | jq '.programRules[0]'

To see the paths to all the elements where "programRuleActions" is an existing field:

cat metadata.json | jq -c 'paths | select(.[-1] == "programRuleActions")'

To see in the programRuleActions for which programRuleActionTypes we can have a key named "dataElement":

cat metadata.json \
    | jq -r '.programRuleActions[] | select(.dataElement != null) | .programRuleActionType' \
    | sort | uniq

Comparing metadata files

Comparing metadata json files is useful to see what can be missing or wrong in the files.

For example, you can compare the files created by this script to others created by a previous version, or another script, or with the Metadata export option of the Import/Export app, or from the /api/metadata.json endpoint.

To compare them, it is useful to have them properly sorted. The following command helps to make them easy to compare:

cat metadata.json \
    | jq --sort-keys \
    | jq 'walk(if type == "array" then sort_by(.name) else . end)' \
    > metadata_sorted.json

For more information on how to use jq, see .

yarn start metadata build-metadata --dhis-url='http://admin:distrcit@localhost:8080' \
--google-key=AIzaSyA5N9tgblL0dP8nOtPKzJ8CwpwPHrddkkk \
--sheet-id="1-iGyeOkF4LO8j5gPXgwsXA_6gwOI9yBYM9NajiqAwEA" -l