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peonso edited this page Aug 26, 2018 · 19 revisions


1.0 - on going

- Improvements on monsters behavior
	|- Monsters pathfinding algorithms while fleeing and trying to reach ideal range distance mimicking real Tibia
	|- Monsters change target for the player that obstacle it's path
	|- Monsters cast spells based on current and ideal distance from target
- More accurate shield formula and correct values for monsters
- Real formulas from leaked server for most spells
- Added parcel block option at config.lua
- Quotes for spells not needed anymore
- NPCs can now tell long stories
- Set maximum number of packages the client can send through config.lua
- Added missing items to items.xml
- Traps does no damage at protection zone
- Fixed speedhack
- Fixed a bug regarding extraMeleeAttack not respecting 2s interval
- Fixed a bug regarding not being able to rope things through sewer grate
- Fixed a bug regarding not being able to convince other players summon
- Fixed a bug regarding area spells not dealing the same damage to all targets
- Fixed a bug regarding shielding skill being buffed
- Fixed a bug regarding runes having delay to remove paralysis
- Fixed a bug regarding NPCs moving weirdly
- Fixed a bug regarding items with charges displaying armor zero
- Fixed a bug regarding not being able to set stairhop_exhausted to 0
- Fixed a bug regarding monsters double hitting
- Fixed a bug regarding auto-stack
- Fixed a bug regarding rooked characters keeping storages
- Fixed a bug regarding Non-PvP server type
- Fixed a bug regarding distance attacks not hitting targets on the same sqm
- Fixed a bug regarding throwing corpses at water
- Fixed a bug regarding crashing the server with self party invite through otclient
- Fixed a bug regarding certain corpses not being fluidSources
- Minor script/code/data fixes

0.0.3 - Nov 2016

- Healing and attacking spells shares exhaust
- Players block ranged physical attacks from monsters with shield
- Creature events onDie, onKill, onAdvance, onLook available
- Monsters change target strategies implemented
- Add party shared experience
- Add rooking system to config.lua
- Loot messages (not default)
- Better monster path finding, weaker monsters don't block path anymore
- Fixed monsters casting spells through walls
- Fixed monsters being traped by moveable items
- Fixed bug with beds itemids
- Fixed some crash bugs
- Updated items.xml
- Updated spells
- Inumerous minor bugs fixed

0.0.2 - Mar 2015

- Many items were fixed.
- Many issues from non Tibia 7.72 were corrected.
- Fixed violation window, wasn't from 7.72
- Added items.xml
- Optimization Changes
- Linux Compilation
- Added option for stackable items auto stacking like in newer Tibia versions

0.0.1 - Mar 2014

- Runes
- Talking (yelling, whispering)
- Private messaging
- Rule Violation Channel
- Bug Reports (Ctrl+Z)
- Saving & Loading Players
- House System
- House Paying through Bank account or depot balance
- Premium System
- Skull System (to use compile with __SKULL_SYSTEM__)
- Anti-Magebomb (attack delay when logging in)
- Sharing Experience when in party (code is there, implementation is needed through talkactions)
- GM Invisibility
- Avesta Spells
- Players have bank accounts
- OTServ Trunk Movements (removed unused code)
- OTServ Trunk Talkactions (removed unused code)
- Faster OTBM map reading, reading a 120 mb real map in 4.3 seconds, compared to 5.5 seconds RealOTs's Avesta.
- No more (return TRUE) (if isPremium(cid) == TRUE). Thanks to newer LUA core code
- Many more
- ... Everything as in OTServ Trunk