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FACSKELL is the Founders & Coders Haskell Club. We are currently learning Haskell by reading CIS 194: Introduction to Haskell (Spring 2013) by Brent Yorgey. We are also learning from other books:

Find and post your questions on Reddit Haskell, Reddit Haskell Questions or on Stackoverflow

For a more detail list of documentation you can have a look at the Haskell website


Because learning Haskell is cool!

What is Haskell

Haskell is:

  • Functional
  • Pure
    • Immutable
    • No side effects
    • A same function with the same arguments will return the same outputs
  • Lazy
  • Typed


Haskell has the usual types : Bool, Int, Integer, Char, String. The Char type is represented with single quote 'C', the Sting type is represented with double quotes "myString". Haskell has also some more useful types:

  • Pairs:
p :: (Int, Char)
  • List:
l :: [Integer] -- a list is a head and a tail (x:xs)

Alias type

You can use the keyword type to create an alias for a type.

type St = String
f :: St -> St

Algebraic Data Type

You can create a new type with the keyword data:

data Tree = Empty | Leaf Int | Node Tree Tree

Here we create the type constructor Tree whith the following data constructors:

  • Empty
  • Leaf Int
  • Node Tree Tree

Leaf and Node take parameters! type constructor and data constructor must begin with a capital letter!

Combining functions

You can combine functions:

 myOtherFunc (myFirstFunc a)

Two useful operators:

. Which correspond to the mathematic composition. The result of the fist function become the input of the second function

(myOtherFunc . myFirstFunc) a

$ Replace parenthesis. Everything after $ will be executed before the things before the $ (everything after $ has a higher precedence)

myOtherFunc $ myFirstFunc a

Haskell load by default the Prelude module which contains a lot of useful functions

You can find all the documentation of Haskell on Hoogle


One way of solving some exercises






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