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Poroma9215 edited this page Apr 23, 2016 · 12 revisions

Budgets vs. Request Processes

Molly Kraus (@mollyjkraus) and Michael Kenney (@mleekenney)

Department Scorecard

Clint Adams (@clinteroni), Andrew Tran (@abtran), Kai Teoh (@jkteoh), Hanna Wallach (@hannawallach)

Possibly accessible as a Slackbot? I want to FOIA {dept} about {topic} -- and it will point you to a public facing record on MuckRock.


Does Mandatory Attorney Fee Reimbursement make FOIA requests more effective?

Dominic Mauro (@mynameisdom), Geoffrey Yip (@geoffreyyip), Kate Fink (@katherinefink)

In 21 States, filing an FOIA lawsuit and winning in court entitles you to mandatory attorney's fee reimbursement. Fee reimbursements are deducted from the non-compliant agency's budget. We hypothesize that government agencies at the state level will be more responsive to FOIA requests when there is the threat of a large non-compliance fee.

How do academic researchers use FOIA?

Do people really FOIA emails? Has there been a measurable uptick in that? Kelsey Kennedy (@kelseyrkennedy), Peter Hess (@PeterNHess)

What sorts of files do agencies provide?

@jsvine and anyone else interested. Some questions:

  • What are the popular file formats?
  • Are some agencies better at providing native data formats?

Compare and contrast between FBI requests V/S other popular areas of interest since 2010

Ashesha Mehrotra (@ashesha20), Poroma Pant (@poroma9215, Dylan Portelance (@portelance)

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