First, make sure you have venv.
To create the virtual environment,
python3 -m venv env
Then to enter the virtual environment, run
source env/bin/activate
Install all packages including the compiler with
pip install -e .
or remotely via SSH with
pip install -e git+ssh://[email protected]/FPSG-UIUC/teaal-compiler.git#egg=teaal
All checks can be run with the command
The details for how to run specific checks can be found below.
To type check, run
mypy teaal
In order for the YAML parser to typecheck, you may need to add an empty
in the directory
To lint, run
autopep8 -iraa teaal/
autopep8 -iraa tests/
Note that this uses the most aggressive form of linting available with
autopep8. We can always reduce the amount of linting by using one -a
agressive code changes) or none (whitespace changes only).
To run tests, run
python -m pytest tests
and to get the test coverage statistics, run
python -m pytest --cov=teaal --cov-report term-missing tests