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The Pulse separation logic DSL for F*

For documentation on how to use Pulse, see


This repository has been designed to closely follow the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS), so that it can be used the same way in all the following cases:

  • direct use of the Pulse repository clone
  • installation into a FHS-like hierarchy (e.g. /usr/local)
  • installation as an opam package, using the opam package manager for OCaml

In all cases, a Pulse installation (or the Pulse repository clone) is laid out as follows:

  • in lib/pulse:

    • the theoretical foundations of Pulse, in core (namespace PulseCore)
    • the interface powering the Pulse DSL, Pulse.Main.fsti
    • the Pulse standard library, in lib (namespace Pulse.Lib), with some subdirectories for typeclasses (in class, namespace Pulse.Class) and pledges (in pledge), and for the OCaml runtime implementation of Pulse references, etc. (in ml)
    • the Pulse F* plugin, pulse.cmxs, containing the Pulse tactics, and the Pulse and PulseC extraction to krml, is installed here
    • the PulseC F* modules of the Pulse.C namespace (in c)
  • in share/pulse: Makefile.include, the GNU Make rules to verify Pulse code

In addition, share/pulse/examples also contains all examples and tests, but those are not installed as of now.

The only exception is Pulse2Rust, which is still in its own directory, and is not installed as of now, due to its dependency on the Rust toolchain.


  • Z3 4.8.5 exactly
  • OCaml 4.10 or higher
  • GNU Make
  • A GCC-compatible compiler
  • F* 2023.04.15 or higher (installed via opam or via its source. A binary package is unlikely to work, since Pulse needs to dynamically load a plugin.)
  • Karamel, but only if you are interested in extracting to C. If you are only interested in verifying Pulse code, or extracting to OCaml, then Karamel is not needed.

Building (and optionally installing) Pulse

Building the source

  1. Make sure fstar.exe is in your PATH. If F* was installed with opam, you may need to run eval $(opam env). If F* is not in your PATH, set the FSTAR_HOME environment variable to the directory where F* was installed (or to the F* source tree), so that the F* executable should be in $FSTAR_HOME/bin/fstar.exe.
  2. Run make -j

Building the source and installing to a custom location

  1. Follow the instructions above to build Pulse from the source.
  2. Install with PREFIX=<your prefix> make -j install . By default, PREFIX will be set to /usr/local, as per the UNIX custom.

Building and installing with opam

  1. Clone the F* repository and install F* with opam install <path to FStar>/./fstar.opam. This will build F* and all of its dependencies (including Z3)

    (Right now the F* release on the opam package repository is too old. Once version 2023.04.15 or later is made available on the opam repository, cloning the F* repository will no longer be necessary, and opam install fstar should be enough for this step.)

  2. Build and install Pulse with opam install ./pulse.opam

Using Pulse

Writing a Makefile to verify Pulse code

Pulse comes with share/pulse/Makefile.include (which is also properly installed by make install or via opam), which contains the GNU Make rules to call F* with the Pulse include path and the Pulse plugin loaded.

  1. Make sure fstar.exe is in your PATH. If F* was installed with opam, you may need to run eval $(opam env). Alternatively, instead of having F* in your PATH, you can also set the FSTAR_HOME environment variable to the directory where F* was installed (or to the F* source tree), so that the F* executable should be in $FSTAR_HOME/bin/fstar.exe.

  2. Define the PULSE_HOME environment variable. This should be one of the following:

    • If used directly from source: The root directory of your clone of the Pulse repository
    • If installed with make install: The PREFIX directory used when installing Pulse
    • If installed with opam: The prefix directory of the opam switch where Pulse was installed, obtained with opam config var prefix
  3. (Optional) In your Makefile, define the following variables with += or := :

    • SRC_DIRS: the directories containing the source .fst and .fsti files of your project, in addition to the current directory.
    • FSTAR_FILES: the F* files to verify. By default, those are the *.fst and *.fsti files from the directories in SRC_DIRS
    • INCLUDE_PATHS: the paths to include for verification with F*'s --include option. By default, those are the Pulse library include paths and SRC_DIRS.
      • If you want to use PulseC, add $PULSE_HOME/lib/pulse/c to this variable.
    • ALREADY_CACHED_LIST: the comma-separated list of namespaces that are assumed to be already cached. By default Prims,FStar,PulseCore,Pulse, but if all of your source files are in the same namespace, you can override this variable with something like *,-MyNamespace
    • OTHERFLAGS: additional options to pass to F*.
    • FSTAR_DEP_OPTIONS: additional options to pass to F* to compute dependencies (in addition to FSTAR_OPTIONS), such as --extract
    • FSTAR_ML_CODEGEN: useful only if you want to extract OCaml code. If you want to extract a F* plugin, set this option to Plugin. Otherwise, it is set by default to OCaml.
  4. After those variable definitions, insert include $PULSE_HOME/share/pulse/Makefile.include to your Makefile.

  5. In your project directory, run make -j verify

Calling F* directly

If you already have an existing Makefile for your Pulse-based project, you now need to pass new options to your Makefile to use Pulse from this repository, as described in this section.

To call F* with Pulse:

  1. Make sure F* and Pulse are properly located, following steps 1 and 2 above.
  2. Pass the following options to F*:
    • in all cases, --include $PULSE_HOME/lib/pulse
    • if you want to use PulseC, add --include $PULSE_HOME/lib/pulse/c

Extracting Pulse code to C or OCaml

The rule to extract *.krml files is already in the share/pulse/Makefile.include file distributed and installed with Pulse. To learn how to run Karamel, you can have a look at the PulseCPointStruct example in share/pulse/examples/Makefile.

The rule to extract *.ml files is already in the share/pulse/Makefile.include file distributed and installed with Pulse. TODO: add a compilation example for OCaml.

Developer's guide

If you want to contribute to Pulse, please read