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Versioning scheme

Florine W. Dekker edited this page Jul 2, 2022 · 10 revisions

How to read

Every release carries two version numbers:

  1. the version of the scripts that generated the dumps, and
  2. the version of Fallout 76 that the dumps were generated for.

For example, release v1.2.0-v1.1.4.3 used v1.2.0 of the scripts to generate dumps for v1.1.4.3 of the game.

Some releases include a comment to indicate a release has multiple versions. For example, release v2.5.2-v0.1.1070.0+v4.1.6.1 was created after release v2.5.2-v0.1.1070.0, differing in the version of xEdit that was used to create the release.

The special zOverview release presents an overview of all dumps of all versions.

How it's used

Whenever the scripts are improved (for example to add a new type of dump or to fix a bug in the scripts) the dump code version is incremented and all dumps are regenerated for the same Fallout 76 version as the previous release.

Similarly, when a new version of Fallout 76 is released, the previous release's scripts are used to recreate all the dumps.

Because only one of the two versions changes between each release, it is easy to see whether a change in the dumps was caused by an update in the scripts or by a change in the game.


An overview of all releases is present in the description of the overview release. This overview should always be at the top of the list of releases, which is enforced by attaching it to the latest commit. Maintainers can move the tag to the latest commit by running git tag -fs zOverview -m "zOverview"; git push -f --tags. (Use -fa instead of -fs if the tag should not be signed.)

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