A simple lightbox for your image gallery. This lightbox doesn't have any dependencies and can be used with any webpage.
Here's a preview
npm i lightbox-fs
To use the lightbox you can simply add a reference to the .js file at the end of the body of your html and the .css file in the head of your html page.
In the img tag of the image that you want to be a part of the lightbox, add a class fs-lightbox.
For example, "<img src="image.png" class="fs-lightbox" />" -
That's it. When you click on the image, a lightbox preview of the image will appear.
The plugin exposes some methods that you can use:
fsLightbox.next() - This will display the next picture in the lightbox
fsLightbox.prev() - This will display the previous picture in the lightbox
fsLightbox.hideLightbox() - This will hide the Lightbox