A flexible, statically typed and easy to use pokeapi wrapper for python 🚀
- Modern and pythonic API asynchronously built on top of aiohttp
- Flexible and easy to use
- Statically typed with mypy
- Linted with ruff
- Well documented
- Optimized for speed and performance
- Automatically caches data for faster access
- Caches endpoints for user convenience
$ python -m pip install PokeLance
import asyncio
from pokelance import PokeLance
client = PokeLance() # Create a client instance
async def main() -> None:
print(await client.ping()) # Ping the pokeapi
print(await client.berry.fetch_berry("cheri")) # Fetch a berry from the pokeapi
print(await client.berry.fetch_berry_flavor("spicy"))
print(await client.berry.fetch_berry_firmness("very-soft"))
print(client.berry.get_berry("cheri")) # Get a cached berry it will return None if it doesn't exist
await client.close() # Close the client
return None
import asyncio
import aiohttp
from pokelance import PokeLance
async def main() -> None:
# Use an async context manager to create a client instance
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session, PokeLance(session=session) as client:
print(await client.ping()) # Ping the pokeapi
print(await client.berry.fetch_berry("cheri")) # Fetch a berry from the pokeapi
print(await client.berry.fetch_berry_flavor("spicy"))
print(await client.berry.fetch_berry_firmness("very-soft"))
print(client.berry.get_berry("cheri")) # Get a cached berry it will return None if it doesn't exist
# The client will be closed automatically when the async context manager exits
return None
Following examples are available open an issue if you want more examples or more details on certain examples.
- Basic Usage
- Advanced cache usage
- Discord bot example
- FastAPI example