Felix's Neopixel Playground
Just my playground to experiment with Neopixels
- FastLED: https://github.com/FastLED/FastLED (Available through the Arduino Library Manager)
- RotaryEncoder: https://github.com/mathertel/RotaryEncoder and http://www.mathertel.de/Arduino (Available through the Arduino Library Manager)
- Bounce: http://www.arduino.cc/playground/Code/Bounce (I used the first version as it's the one already installed on my system)
- 24.01.2020 Using a Rotary Encoder, the LEDs light up on one direction and switch themselves off on the opposite direction.
- 25.01.2020 Added the push button functionality of the encoder with the internal pull-up resistor. Bounce library is required for debouncing. It changes LED colors when pushed.