Scripts used for characterizing metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) used in the following publication:
A Almeida, AL Mitchell, M Boland, SC Forster, GB Gloor, A Tarkowska, TD Lawley and RD Finn (2019) A new genomic blueprint of the human gut microbiota. Nature 568, 499–504
Associated data can also be found in our FTP server.
Compare a set of genomes against a reference database. Selects best representative for whole-genome alignment.
- Mash (tested v2.0)
- MUMmer (tested v3.23)
- Python 2.7
Coded for running within LSF cluster environments.
Usage: -i genome_folder/ -r reference.msh -s db_name -p output_prefix
folder containing the genomes to analyse in FASTA format with .fa
reference file .msh
generated with mash sketch
user-defined name for the database (e.g. refseq)
user-defined prefix to label the query genomes in the output (e.g. gut)
- The
directory needs to be part of your$PATH
system variable - The output for each query genome is a
file containing the dnadiff and Mash results. Column headers in the resultant file are:
Query name / Reference name / Ref length / % Ref covered / Query length / % Query aligned / ANI / Mash distance
Runs the CheckM lineage_wf
workflow with the recommended tree_qa
step for more detailed taxonomic assignment.
- CheckM (tested v1.0.7-1.0.10)
- Python 2.7
Coded for running within LSF cluster environments.
Usage: genome_folder/ fa output_prefix
Positional arguments:
1: folder containing the genomes to analyse in FASTA format
2: extension of the FASTA files to be analysed in the genome_folder/
3: user-defined prefix to label the query genomes in the output (e.g. gut)
- The
directory needs to be part of your$PATH
system variable - Output is a
file with the taxonomy results fromtree_qa
combined with the quality scores determined withlineage_wf
Map metagenomic reads against a genome database using BWA.
- BWA (tested v0.7.16a-r1181)
- Samtools (tested v1.5)
- Python 2.7
Coded for running within LSF cluster environments.
Usage: input_1.fastq(gz) input_2.fastq(gz) ref-db.fasta out_prefix
Positional arguments:
1 and 2: Forward and reverse reads of metagenome to query (fastq or fastq.gz)
2: Genome database indexed with bwa index
, where FASTA headers are in the following structure: >genome-name_1...
3: user-defined output prefix to save output files (e.g. results/metagenome1)
- The
directory needs to be part of your$PATH
system variable - Results will be stored in the
files. The former contains the counts/coverage/depth/variation for all reads mapped per genome, while the latter only takes into account the uniquely mapped reads.
: Concatenate protein sequence alignments and build tree with either RAxML or
: Take a taxonomy tabular file and count the number of genomes per
: Rename a multi-fasta file based on a user-defined prefix.- ... remaining scripts are part of the
: Plot counts of biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs) calculated with antiSMASH.bwa_geo-prevalence_fig4a.R
: Characterize geographic distribution of MGS.bwa_pan-metagenome_fig4d.R
: Build accumulation curve of the number of species as a function of samples.bwa_prev_fig2b_extfig7c.R
: Determine overall prevalence of MGS.bwa_thresholds_extfig7.R
: Define thresholds for species presence/absence based on BWA results.funcs_phy-assoc_fig5b.R
: Find functions (GO slim terms) differentially abundant between two sets of species.gprop_pca_fig5a.R
: Perform Principal Component Analysis (PCA) using Genome Properties.kegg-cats_extfig9b.R
: Calculate proportion of KEGG functions differentially abundant.mags-cluster_extfig5.R
: Cluster MAGs based on Mash distances.mags-quality_extfig2.R
: Plot CheckM quality scores.mashdiff-counts_fig1b.R
: Evaluate mashdiff results in terms of total reference matches.mashdiff-hist_scatter_fig1a.R
: Scatterplots and histograms to visualize mashdiff results.mgs-quality_extfig6.R
: Evaluate MGS quality scores.phylo-diversity_fig3b.R
: Calculate phylogenetic diversity from a newick tree
: Analyse sourmash classification results.taxa_counts_fig2a.R
: Stacked plots of taxa proportions.virfinder_analysis.R
: Detect viral contigs in a FASTA file using VirFinder.