- 💎 Supertokens
- 💎 Swagger
- 💎 HealthChecks
- 💎 TypeOrm i Postgres
- 💎 ElasticSearch
- 💎 Migrations
git clone https://github.com/Flixow/warsawjs-workshop-65-nestjs.git
npm install
oryarn install
npm run start
oryarn start
- ElasticSearch requires at least 2GB RAM memory limit in Docker
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56937171/efk-elasticsearch-1-exited-with-code-78-when-install-elasticsearch
- Supertokens API
- Add forRootAsync to use dynamic config
- Setup sample guarded endpoint
- Add Swagger
- Setup frontend
npx create-react-app frontend
- Setup Supertokens frontend
- Sign up, sign in, check cookies, guarded endpoint and database schema in pgAdmin
- Add health checks
npm install @nestjs/typeorm typeorm pg
- Setup articles module with entity and dto
npm i class-validator class-transformer
- Add CLI plugin to handle DTO's in swagger automatically
npm install @nestjs/elasticsearch @elastic/elasticsearch
- Create search module
- "esModuleInterop": true
- Implement Elasticsearch
- Add healthcheck
- Setup data source
- Setup npm scripts