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This is a practice project created by Floris999 to gain experience with object-oriented programming (OOP) and working with classes in PHP. It's worth noting that this project is a learning exercise and may not adhere to best practices or be suitable for production use.
The goal of this project is to create a family dashboard where family members can view and manage various aspects of their family life. It includes features like giving and tracking family members' scores and displaying an average score.
This project is still a work in progress, and improvements and enhancements are ongoing. It serves as a valuable learning experience to explore PHP, OOP, and web development concepts. Feel free to check back for updates and improvements.
Please be aware that this project is not intended for open or public use. It may contain bugs, security vulnerabilities, or incomplete features. I am actively working on it as a personal project to further their coding skills.
Special thanks to https://firebase-php.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ for providing guidance and learning materials throughout the project.
Your feedback and suggestions are welcome. If you have any questions or would like to collaborate on this project, feel free to contact.
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