This repository implements the results found in Reinforcement Learning for Channel Coding: Learned Bit-Flipping Decoding
Create a venv:
pip install virtualenv
python -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
Download requirements.txt:
pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt
driver code to train/evaluate the agent and compare results with
is an OpenAI gym environment for bit flipping
runs sarsa algorithm using e-greedy
models AWGN and BSC
is used to load generator and parity check matrices to define the type of code the agent will be decoding
holds generator and parity check matricies for codes in .mat format; see here/MATLAB
runs benchmark decoding algorithms in matlab/policies
saves the Q table for a specific code after training the agent using sarsa (too large for repository)/benchmark
holds .mat files for BER using MATLAB decoding algorithms/figs
figures from training and BER comparison