the source of my website hope you'll find something useful, please share and let me know.
powered by:
- Hugo - static site generator
- Wowchemy - Hugo Template Framework
- Netlify - hosting and CDN
- brain+heart - personal work
[A post]({{< ref "/post/" >}})
[A post]({{< relref "" >}})
{{< youtube 82f0_jqhVgs >}}
hugo new --kind post post/articles/
hugo new --kind post post/blog/2021/03/
hugo new --kind played played/boardgame/
hugo new --kind played played/videogame/
hugo serve --gc
# upgrade Hugo on macOS:
brew upgrade hugo
# update theme modules
hugo mod get -u ./...
## clean
hugo mod clean
hugo mod get -u ./..
hugo mod tidy
This site and all its contents produced by me are Copyright by Stefano Cecere and licensed under CC BY NC SA 4.0