Releases: Fris0uman/CDDA-Soundpacks
Releases · Fris0uman/CDDA-Soundpacks
What's Changed
- Fixes issue 79, adds missing sound entries to all types of wooden doors by @DoctorBoomstick in #87
- Adds new gunfire sounds for 5.56mm rifles by @DoctorBoomstick in #88
- update install steps by @casswedson in #90
- Adds New Reload Sound Effects for Magazine-Fed Bolt-Action Rifles and Updates Existing Gun Sound Lists by @DoctorBoomstick in #92
- Update upload-artifact to v4 by @Fris0uman in #95
- Sounds for the acid dart attack by @Fris0uman in #94
- Blowgun sound for gene dart attack by @Fris0uman in #96
- Make clear weather a bit quieter and remove noticeable bird song from the loop by @Fris0uman in #97
- Add grunts for zombies by @Fris0uman in #98
New Contributors
- @casswedson made their first contribution in #90
Full Changelog: 2024-01-17...2024-10-27
What's Changed
- Tube-Fed shotgun Reload Sounds by @DoctorBoomstick in #83
- Adds open and close sounds for safes. by @DoctorBoomstick in #82
- Adds reload sound effects for small-caliber handguns by @DoctorBoomstick in #85
- Fix brick sound that was not cut properly by @Fris0uman in #86
New Contributors
- @DoctorBoomstick made their first contribution in #83
Full Changelog: 2023-12-10...2024-01-17
What's Changed
- Remove shouts sfx, the game doesn't support them properly yet by @Fris0uman in #80
- Add more smash sounds by @Fris0uman in #81
Full Changelog: 2023-09-06...2023-12-10
What's Changed
- Pull BeepBoopBip by @Golfavel in #75
- Put the playlist on shuffle by @Fris0uman in #78
Full Changelog: 2023-03-18...2023-09-06
What's Changed
- Add env sounds for night time by @Fris0uman in #56
- New soundpack: "BeepBoopBip" by @Golfavel in #57
- Add Installation instruction to readme by @Fris0uman in #60
- "" now has execute permission by @Golfavel in #62
- Add rain storm sounds by @Fris0uman in #63
- Radio static and chatter, Electric and machinery humming and fire ignition by @Fris0uman in #64
- Basic gun sounds: Brass eject, empty, and generic reload by @Fris0uman in #65
- Shorter and quieter Clear obstacle sound by @Fris0uman in #69
- [CC-Sounds] Gunfire by @Golfavel in #70
- [BBB] Guns by @Golfavel in #71
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 2022-08-23...2023-03-18
What's Changed
- Replace every sound under a NC licence with something more permissive by @Fris0uman in #41
- Add explicit authorisation from CO.AG to use the music by @Fris0uman in #42
- Update submodule by @Fris0uman in #43
- Add sounds for hurt player by @Fris0uman in #45
- Add
field where necessary by @Fris0uman in #46 - Add heart beat sounds for the three level of stamina by @Fris0uman in #47
- Add death sound by @Fris0uman in #48
- Change check to fail on sound file not ogg by @Fris0uman in #49
- Audio parameters validation by @irwiss in #53
- Reencoded sound effects by @irwiss in #54
- Update music submodule by @Fris0uman in #55
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 2022-03-20...2022-08-23
2022-03-20 Demo Release
What's Changed
- Added weather_clear and weather_cloudy by Raven for spring season by @Fris0uman in #27
- Clear, Cloudy and Sunny for all seasons plus rain and snowstorm by @Fris0uman in #28
- GHA combined JSON validation workflow by @dseguin in #31
- GHA workflow to check sound file references / credits by @dseguin in #32
- Add shout:shriek and shout:wail sounds by @KurzedMetal in #35
- Add sound for portal storm by @Fris0uman in #36
- Sound for bite hit and bite miss by @Fris0uman in #37
- Add sound for monster hit by @Fris0uman in #39
- Add sounds for explosions by @Fris0uman in #40
New Contributors
- @dseguin made their first contribution in #31
- @KurzedMetal made their first contribution in #35
Full Changelog: 2022-01-02...2022-03-20
2022-01-02 Demo Release
What's Changed
- Addition and replacement and additional mixing of assets by @Raven2236 in #17
- plmove replacement and addition by @Raven2236 in #18
- Put licenses in bold by @Fris0uman in #20
- Fix incorrect sound file references by @hexagonrecursion in #24
- Fix unused long grass sounds by @Fris0uman in #25
- Melee fighting sound 1: Hitting flesh by @Fris0uman in #21
New Contributors
- @Raven2236 made their first contribution in #17
- @hexagonrecursion made their first contribution in #24
Full Changelog: 2021-10-08...2022-01-02
2021-10-08 Demo release
What's Changed
- Add sounds for Plmove by @Fris0uman in #1
- Organise the repo a bit better by @Fris0uman in #2
- Freshen up the readme by @Fris0uman in #3
- Make credits file Markdown tables by @Fris0uman in #6
- Open door sound by @acepleiades in #4
- Windows update by @acepleiades in #5
- Reorganize and use by @acepleiades in #7
- Vehicles 1 by @acepleiades in #8
- oggenc wav to ogg by @int-ua in #10
- Menu sounds by @Fris0uman in #9
- Car horn by @acepleiades in #11
- added 2 shotgun sounds by @Ryan7251 in #12
- changed shotgun noise by @Ryan7251 in #13
- added some zombie death sounds by @Ryan7251 in #14
- Move music to a submodule by @Fris0uman in #15
- added open and close sounds to t_door_metal doors by @Ryan7251 in #16
New Contributors
- @Fris0uman made their first contribution in #1
- @acepleiades made their first contribution in #4
- @int-ua made their first contribution in #10
- @Ryan7251 made their first contribution in #12
Full Changelog: