Convert Markdown to PDF using marked and wkhtmltopdf. You can use multiple Markdown input files and customize the resulting PDF using HTML and CSS.
Thanks to, which also converts Markdown files to PDF using remarkable and PhantomJS.
mkpdf is using wkhtmltopdf to convert HTML to PDF using Webkit (QtWebKit). Before you can use mkpdf, you'll have to install wkhtmltopdf command line tool.
You can either download a prebuilt version for your system or use a package manager, for example on OS X:
brew install Caskroom/cask/wkhtmltopdf
Install mkpdf as a global module:
npm install -g mkpdf
Usage: mkpdf [options] <markdown-files...>
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-f, --paper-format [format] "A3", "A4", "A5", "Legal", "Letter" or "Tabloid"
-r, --paper-orientation [orientation] "portrait" or "landscape"
-b, --paper-border [measurement] Supported dimension units are: "mm", "cm", "in", "px"
-o, --out [path] Path for saving the PDF
--disable-toc Don't create a table of contents
--toc-title [title] The table of contents title. Defaults to "Table of Contents"
--css-path [path] Path to custom CSS file
--highlight-css-path [path] Path to custom highlight.js CSS file
--html-path [path] Path to custom HTML file
For example, convert
Or, combine multiple markdown files to a single PDF:
mkpdf -o welcome.pdf
Install mkpdf as a local module into your project:
npm install mkpdf
var mkpdf = require('mkpdf')
mkpdf().from('/path/to/').to('/path/to/document.pdf', function () {
// Or using streams
var fs = require('fs')
mkpdf returns a stream-from-to object which simplifies the construction of various source and destination streams.
Pass an options object to mkpdf
to configure the output.
The paper size. Defaults to
The paper margin. Defaults to
The paper orientation. Defaults to
Don't create a table of contents. Defaults to
The table of contents title. Defaults to
Table of Contents
Path to custom CSS file, relative to the current directory. Defaults to
Path to custom highlight.js CSS file, relative to the current directory. Defaults to
Path to custom HTML file, relative to the current directory. Defaults to
A function that returns a through2 stream that transforms the Markdown before it is converted to HTML. Defaults to
function () { return through() }
A function that returns a through2 stream that transforms the HTML before it is converted to PDF. Defaults to
function () { return through() }