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Mod Moderator Admin Escalation

Orrden edited this page May 22, 2015 · 2 revisions

On my Forum, there are users I trust and users I do not. We have a full staff, but there are times when we are unable to monitor every channel of our AJAX Chat. So I have created a command that allows for a normal user to be Escalated to a Moderator level. I don't advise giving this to just anyone unless you trust them with the power.

In CustomAJAXChat.php - Add:

function parseCustomCommands($text, $textParts) {
    switch($textParts[0]) {
// NEW COMMANDS BELOW THIS case: 'blah';
	case '/engage-0110AD':
			$this->insertChatBotMessage( $this->getChannel(), $this->getLoginUserName().' claims Mod Powers.');
			$this->setUserName( 'Super-' .$this->getLoginUserName());			
			$this->addInfoMessage($this->getUserName(), 'userName');
			return true;
	case '/engage-0110AD_VYDd9804':
			$this->insertChatBotMessage( $this->getChannel(), $this->getLoginUserName().' claims Admin Power');
			$this->setUserName( 'Uber-' .$this->getLoginUserName());			
			$this->addInfoMessage($this->getUserName(), 'userName');
			return true;
		case '/void-0110AD':
			$this->insertChatBotMessage( $this->getChannel(), $this->getUsername(). ' has surrendered Power.');
			$this->setUsername( $this->getLoginUserName());
			$this->addInfoMessage($this->getUserName(), 'userName');
			return true;

You can adjust the commands by editing the values in:

case '/engage-0110AD':
case '/engage-0110AD_VYDd9804':
and you can modify the release command by editing this value:
case '/void-0110AD':