- this is Symbolic Engine built on z3py
- and well(?) designed for education scene
- but there're very tight limitations
- for more information, see Limitations
try running test script:
- python2
- z3py
- (nasm/ndisasm)
Currently, engine targets following machine spec:
- based on Intel architecture
- supports x86_64 ISA partially
- NO data memory (Only Code on memory)
- NO stack
Following few Intel x86_64 instructions are supported:
- add
- mov
- inc
- dec
- cmp
- jz (je)
- jnz (jne)
- jg
- jl
There may be miss understanding semantics.
Instructions must be decoded like:
insts = [
(0x0, 4, arch.OP_TYPE_RDST | arch.OP_TYPE_IVAL, "cmp", "rsi", 1),
(0x4, 2, arch.OP_TYPE_IVAL, "jl", 8), # 0x6 + 8 = 0xe
(0x6, 3, arch.OP_TYPE_RDST | arch.OP_TYPE_RSRC, "add", "rdx", "rdx"),
(0x9, 3, arch.OP_TYPE_RDST, "dec", "rsi"),
(0xc, 2, arch.OP_TYPE_IVAL, "jnz", -8), # 0xe - 8 = 0x6
(0xe, 3, arch.OP_TYPE_RDST | arch.OP_TYPE_RSRC, "cmp", "rdx", "rax"),
(0x11, 2, arch.OP_TYPE_IVAL, "je", 1), # 0x13 + 1 = 0x14
(0x13, 1, arch.OP_TYPE_NOOP, "ret"),
(0x14, 1, arch.OP_TYPE_NOOP, "nop"),
each fileds means:
# decoded instruction format
FIELD_INST_ADDR = 0 # instruction address
FIELD_INST_SIZE = 1 # instruction byte size
FIELD_INST_OP_TYPE = 2 # instruction operand types
FIELD_INST_NAME = 3 # instruction name
FIELD_INST_OP_DST = 4 # instrunction destination X
FIELD_INST_OP_SRC = 5 # instruction source X
# operand type
OP_TYPE_NOOP = 1 << 0 # no operands
OP_TYPE_RDST = 1 << 1 # destination register. if memory, None
OP_TYPE_RSRC = 1 << 2 # source register. if memory, None
OP_TYPE_IVAL = 1 << 3 # immediate value
OP_TYPE_MDST = 1 << 4 # future work (memory address or register name comes here for simplicity)
OP_TYPE_MSRC = 1 << 5 # future work
- general registers: all
- flag registers: ZF, SF
not supports:
- flag registers: CF, OF, and so on
This is alpha version. Hard effort to refactoring (including spell miss) is needed.