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Chris edited this page Nov 21, 2020 · 7 revisions


Missing Sensors

If you are not seeing your User Code, Access Control, Alarm Type, or Alarm Level, please note in ozw they are disabled by default as the preferred method is to use the Home Security sensor. Enabling these sensors does not break anything and allows the automations to accurately process the lock information.

Code Slots

The code slots are updated every 5 seconds internally in Home Assistant, this method does not poll the lock and wake it up resulting in battery drain.

Unable to set codes

This usually occurs due to the allow_automations boolean being off. This should only turn off when your ZWave network is down or you've just restarted Home Assistant (only the old zwave integration). If it's showing as off, please check the pre-install instructions page for corrections to automations to help resolve this.

Entity not available messages

This usually occurs when you haven't added the packages configuration to your configuration.yaml file. Please see the pre-install instructions on how to do that.

Enable Debugging

This will be needed from time to time to get more data to find out what's going on. Navigate to Dev-tools -> Services tab in Home Assistant. Select the service logger.set_level in data enter custom_components.lock-manager: debug and press Call Service. Your log will now start showing debug data in the Home Assistant log.

If you are missing the service logger.set_level this usually because logger wasn't added to your configuration.yaml add the following to enable this super useful service.

  default: warning