This organization aims to create connectivity tools for Godot using BLE, Serial, MQTT.
Godot4 is now available! but not GDExtention... as soon as it is available, I will develop the GD4 version of all repositories.
For now there is:
- GDSimpleBLE wrapping of BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) library SimpleBLE (
- GDPaho wrapping of MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) library paho.mqtt.cpp (
- GDOfSerial wrapping of the standalone serial communication part ( of OpenFramework (
- GDNativeBLE wrapping of BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) library NativeBLE ( archived too, use GDSimpleBLE instead
- GDMosquitto wrapping of MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) library libmosquitto (, use GDPaho instead