🎓 Statistics & Software Convergence Graduate | 🎯 Aspiring Data Scientist & Machine Learning Engineer
- Developed a system to analyze defamatory sentences using NLP techniques.
- Published in The Journal of Korean Institute of Information Technology (KCI-listed).
- Keywords: NLP, Deep Learning, Legal Text Analysis.
- View GitHub Repository
- Developed a system to generate juvenile cat images using StyleGAN and PCA.
- Conducted experiments with Latent Vectors using PCA to control visual attributes.
- Set up and optimized StyleGAN training environments, addressing technical challenges.
- Project duration: 2022.06 - 2022.12.
- Achieved Top 8 (Top 1.5%) in the DACON Machine Learning Competition.
- Tackled a genomic classification problem with innovative feature engineering.
- 2023: 8th Place, DACON Genomic Information Breed Classification AI Competition.
- 2022: Encouragement Award, 2nd Data Mentoring Program (Analysis of illegal waste dumping CCTV effectiveness).
- 2021: ICPC Asia Seoul Regional.
- 2021: 5th Statistics Data Analysis Contest, Poster Division Encouragement Award.
🎓 Sookmyung Women’s University
- Statistics (2020.03 - 2024.08) | GPA: 3.53 / 4.5
- Software Convergence (Double Major)
📖 Boostcamp AI Tech 5th Cohort (Computer Vision Track) (2023.03 - 2023.08)
- Learned object detection, OCR, and segmentation.
- Developed GAN-based AI services as the final project.