A replacement for DreamMasterXXL, minus the nerfs.
- gtnh-mods.json: All Mods that are part of the modpack, including license, versions, etc
- releases: Manifests for each officially released modpack version
- repo-blacklist.json: GitHub repositories that are not part of the pack
- add_mod.py: Add a new (github) mod to the pack
- assemble_release.py: Assemble a release ZIP (CLIENT/SERVER)
- download_mod.py: Download a mod to the cache
- download_release.py: Download an entire release to the cache
- generate_nightly.py: Generate a manifest for a nightly release based on the latest version for all mods and config
- update_check.py: Check for new releases on GitHub
- update_deps.py: Update dependencies.gradle & repositories.gradle (run in the project directory)
- assembler.py Assemble the client and server pack (ZIP)
- curse.py Maybe, at some point, assemble the pack for Curse
- downloader.py: Download and cache the pack's mods
- modrinth.py Hopefully in the near future assemble the pack for Modrinth
- multi_poly.py Hopefully in the near future assemble the pack for MultiMC/PolyMC
- technic.py Assemble the pack for Technic
- black.sh: Format things using the Black Formatter
- isort.sh: Sort all the includes
- lint.sh: Lint everything
- mypy.sh: Typing the untypable
- update_buildscript.sh: Script to add CODEOWNERS for maven publication
- gui.py GUI Frontend to the DreamAssemblerXXL
Code PRs should always be done against the master branch.
A personal access token is required to hit the github API without getting rate limited, and to be able to view any private repositories.
Create a github personal access token with the following permissions, and paste it into ~/.github_personal_token
on linux or C:\users\<you>\.github_personal_token
on Windows, with a newline at the end.