Flagger helps automate the release process for Kubernetes workloads with a custom resource named canary. It depends on serive-mesh technology to handle advanced deployment strategies, However it can also work with Nginx Ingress controllers however it would be restricted to the a limited number of deployment strategies. In this demo we will walk through installing and configuring on Konvoy Kubernetes cluster
- Flagger requires a Kubernetes v1.14 or higher
- Konvoy v1.4 or higher
- Istio enbled in Konvoy cluster
- Prometheus running as metrics-server in kubeaddons namespace
- Privilege access to the Konvoy cluster
- name: flagger
enabled: true <--- change this line to true from the default of false
konvoy deploy addons --yes
This would review all the enabled addons and deploy them as necessary.
STAGE [Deploying Enabled Addons]
external-dns [OK]
dashboard [OK]
reloader [OK]
konvoyconfig [OK]
opsportal [OK]
cert-manager [OK]
gatekeeper [OK]
defaultstorageclass-protection [OK]
traefik [OK]
awsebscsiprovisioner [OK]
istio [OK]
dex [OK]
kube-oidc-proxy [OK]
traefik-forward-auth [OK]
dex-k8s-authenticator [OK]
prometheus [OK]
prometheusadapter [OK]
velero [OK]
elasticsearch [OK]
elasticsearch-curator [OK]
fluentbit [OK]
elasticsearchexporter [OK]
kibana [OK]
kommander [OK]
Kubernetes cluster and addons deployed successfully!
kubectl get deploy,po -n istio-system
deployment.apps/flagger 1/1 1 1 60s
deployment.apps/istio-ingressgateway 2/2 2 2 3d6h
deployment.apps/istio-operator 1/1 1 1 3d6h
deployment.apps/istio-tracing 1/1 1 1 3d6h
deployment.apps/istiod 2/2 2 2 3d6h
deployment.apps/kiali 1/1 1 1 3d6h
pod/flagger-58b69886f8-xb69d 1/1 Running 0 60s
pod/istio-crd-1.6.4-udb5r-gqzcm 0/1 Completed 0 3d6h
pod/istio-ingressgateway-59ddcb9559-bvnwg 1/1 Running 0 3d6h
pod/istio-ingressgateway-59ddcb9559-s9dqx 1/1 Running 0 3d6h
pod/istio-operator-65458b9b8b-wwbg6 1/1 Running 0 3d6h
pod/istio-tracing-dbfcd555-m8h7n 1/1 Running 0 3d6h
pod/istiod-59ddb865bb-8l2c2 1/1 Running 0 3d6h
pod/istiod-59ddb865bb-qz47z 1/1 Running 0 3d6h
pod/kiali-6f9b78cdc6-wtmdl 1/1 Running 0 3d6h
Notice that Flagger, Deployment and Pod running successfully.
kubectl logs pod/flagger-58b69886f8-xb69d -n istio-system
{"level":"info","ts":"2020-08-20T21:51:36.684Z","caller":"flagger/main.go:112","msg":"Starting flagger version 1.1.0 revision b6d6f32c7f6377e837788db7f7fdb49a25fda057 mesh provider istio"}
{"level":"info","ts":"2020-08-20T21:51:36.699Z","caller":"flagger/main.go:383","msg":"Connected to Kubernetes API v1.17.8"}
{"level":"info","ts":"2020-08-20T21:51:36.699Z","caller":"flagger/main.go:239","msg":"Waiting for canary informer cache to sync"}
{"level":"info","ts":"2020-08-20T21:51:36.799Z","caller":"flagger/main.go:246","msg":"Waiting for metric template informer cache to sync"}
{"level":"info","ts":"2020-08-20T21:51:36.899Z","caller":"flagger/main.go:253","msg":"Waiting for alert provider informer cache to sync"}
{"level":"info","ts":"2020-08-20T21:51:37.007Z","caller":"flagger/main.go:163","msg":"Connected to metrics server http://prometheus-kubeaddons-prom-prometheus.kubeaddons:9090"}
{"level":"info","ts":"2020-08-20T21:51:37.008Z","caller":"server/server.go:29","msg":"Starting HTTP server on port 8080"}
{"level":"info","ts":"2020-08-20T21:51:37.008Z","caller":"controller/controller.go:164","msg":"Starting operator"}
{"level":"info","ts":"2020-08-20T21:51:37.008Z","caller":"controller/controller.go:173","msg":"Started operator workers"}
Note This ensure that Flagger was able to communicate with the Prometheus Metrics server without any issues. This is very important as Flagger depends on the metrics-server to perform most of its functions. If flagger is unable to communicate with metrics-server rest of the demo would not go as intended.