released this
15 May 12:14
414 commits
to master
since this release
GMT v1.13.3
Merged pull requests:
- Remove stray parenthesis in -te that made gdalwarp to fail in recent GDAL versions. (#1434) (@joa-quim)
- Change type of global POSTMAN. Improve polygonize to restrict size and order of output. (#1435) (@joa-quim)
- Add a new function to convert RGB to YCbCr space. (#1436) (@joa-quim)
- Add rgb2lab function (#1437) (@joa-quim)
- Pad grayscale images that are going to be projected. (#1438) (@joa-quim)
- Forget about BitMatrix in GMTimages. That forces AbstractArray and hell slow blows up. (#1439) (@joa-quim)
- Parse segment headers for the presence of comments with Attrib(name=value) (#1440) (@joa-quim)
Closed issues:
- Register v"1.13.1" (#1429)