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GeorgH93 edited this page Mar 21, 2022 · 14 revisions

Marriage Master V2.X provides placeholders for MVdWPlaceholderAPI and Clips PlaceholderAPI (PAPI).


All placeholders listed bellow have to be prefixed with marriagemaster_ so for example, to use the IsMarried placeholder you have to use marriagemaster_IsMarried resulting in %marriagemaster_ismarried% for PAPI and {marriagemaster_ismarried} for MVdWPlaceholderAPI.

Identifier Aliases Description
StatusHeart Status_Heart A red ❤ for married players and a gray ❤ for unmarried players
MagicHeart Magic_Heart A colored ❤ if the player is married, the color is random but the same for both partners
Heart Married A ❤ if the player is married
IsMarried The marriage status of the player as a boolean
IsPriest The priest status of the player as a boolean
Partner PartnerName, Partner_Name The name of the players partner
PartnerDisplayName Partner_DisplayName The display name of the players partner
Surname The surname of the marriage
HasHome Has_Home A boolean showing if the player has set a home
HomeX Home_X The x location of the home
HomeY Home_Y The y location of the home
HomeZ Home_Z The z location of the home
HomeWorld Home_World The world of the home
Home The full location of the home including the world (world x y z)
HomeCoordinates Home_Coordinates The full location of the home (x y z)
Prefix The prefix of the player (formatting for the prefix is defined in the config)
Suffix The suffix of the player (formatting for the suffix is defined in the config)

Placeholders that are available if multiple partners are allowed on the server:

Identifier Aliases Description
NearestPartnerName Nearest_PartnerName, Nearest_Partner_Name Like Partner but for the nearest partner
NearestPartnerDisplayName Nearest_PartnerDisplayName, Nearest_Partner_DisplayName Like PartnerDisplayName but for the nearest partner
NearestSurname Nearest_Surname Like Surname but for the marriage with the nearest partner
NearestHasHome Has_Nearest_Home, Nearest_Has_Home, HasNearestHome Like HasHome but for the marriage with the nearest partner
NearestHomeX Nearest_HomeX, Nearest_Home_X Like HomeX but for the marriage with the nearest partner
NearestHomeY Nearest_HomeY, Nearest_Home_Y Like HomeY but for the marriage with the nearest partner
NearestHomeZ Nearest_HomeZ, Nearest_Home_Z Like HomeZ but for the marriage with the nearest partner
NearestHomeWorld Nearest_HomeWorld, Nearest_Home_World Like HomeWorld but for the marriage with the nearest partner
NearestHome Nearest_Home Like Home but for the marriage with the nearest partner
NearestHomeCoordinates Nearest_HomeCoordinates, Nearest_Home_Coordinates Like HomeCoordinates but for the marriage with the nearest partner
NearestPrefix Nearest_Prefix Like Prefix but for the marriage with the nearest partner
NearestSuffix Nearest_Suffix Like Suffix but for the marriage with the nearest partner
PartnerCount Partner_Count The amount of partners that the player has
PartnerList Partner_List, PartnerNameList, Partner_Name_List A list of all the partners for the player
PartnerDisplayNameList PartnerDisplayName_List, Partner_DisplayName_List A list of all the partner display names for the player


The formatting used for the placeholders can be configured in the Placeholders section of the language file.

The formatting rules can be set for each placeholder individually (using the placeholders identifier) or for all (that have not a special definition on their own) with the Default identifier.

The possible keys are:

  • Boolean.True for boolean placeholders if they are true
  • Boolean.False for boolean placeholders if they are false
  • Married the text or format that should be used if the player is married
  • NotMarried the text that should be used if the player is unmarried
  • NoHome the text that should be used if the player does not have a home (only for the home location placeholders)
  • Separator the separator that should be used for the list placeholders

Data placeholders

Placeholders representing data (like the Home location placeholders) can be formatted using Javas Format String Syntax.


    # Order: world, x, y, z
    Married: "%1$s %2$.1f %3$.1f %4$.1f"

Which will output the home like this: some_world 82.1 64.0 -923.3

Boolean placeholders

Boolean placeholders can be formatted with the keys Boolean.True and Boolean.False.


       True: "yes"
       False: "no"

Which will return yes for married players and no for unmarried players.

Static placeholders

Static placeholders will show a fixed text if a player is married and another if the player is unmarried.


    Married: "&c<heart>&f"
    NotMarried: ""

Which will show a red ❤ if the player is married and nothing if the player is unmarried.