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Easy-to-use TUI & CLI to interact with Clash RESTful API.


Status panel

Status panel

Proxies panel

Proxies panel


Download release binaries

For mac and Linux x86 users, find compiled binary under release page.

Compile from source

$ git clone
$ cd clashctl
$ cargo install --path ./clashctl # Note that the path here is *NOT* a mistake - It's a submodule with exact same name that contains the bin

Getting Started

First, add an API server:

$ clashctl server add
# Follow the prompts

Use the command without subcommands defaults to open TUI:

$ clashctl

# Equals

$ clashctl tui

Or use a subcommand to use the CLI:

$ clashctl proxy list

TYPE                DELAY   NAME
selector            -       All

    URLTest         -       Auto-All
    ShadowsocksR    19      SomeProxy-1
    Vmess           177     SomeProxy-2
    Vmess           137     SomeProxy-3
    Shadowsocks     143     SomeProxy-4



  • Pretty terminal UI
  • Change proxies
  • Display proxies, with filter and sorting supported, in both plain and grouped mode
  • Store and use multiple servers
  • Generate completion script (by clap_generate)
  • Manage multiple servers

Done & TODO

  • CLI
    • Manage servers
    • Sort proxies
    • More features
  • TUI
    • Status Panel
    • Proxies Panel
      • Update proxy
      • Test latency
      • Sort by {Original, LatencyAsc, LatencyDsc, NameAsc, NameDsc}
    • Rules Panel
    • Connections Panel
      • Sort
    • Log Panel
    • Debug Panel
    • Config Panel
      • Update clash configs
      • Update clashctl configs
    • Search
    • (Maybe?) mouse support


You will need nightly rust environment (Cargo & rustc) to compile and install


Use the TUI

  • Use the cli to config servers (for now)
  • Use number to navigate between tabs
  • Space to hold the list (and therefor move the list)
  • Arrow key to move the list under Hold mode
  • [^d] open debug panel

Use the CLI

$ clashctl -h

George Miao <[email protected]>

Cli & Tui used to interact with Clash RESTful API

    clashctl [OPTIONS] [SUBCOMMAND]

    -c, --config-path <CONFIG_PATH>    Path of config file. Default to ~/.config/clashctl/config.ron
        --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR>      Path of config directory. Default to ~/.config/clashctl
    -h, --help                         Print help information
    -t, --timeout <TIMEOUT>            Timeout of requests, in ms [default: 2000]
        --test-url <TEST_URL>          Url for testing proxy endpointes [default: http://
    -v, --verbose                      Verbosity. Default: INFO, -v DEBUG, -vv TRACE
    -V, --version                      Print version information

    completion    Generate auto-completion scripts
    help          Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    proxy         Interacting with proxies
    server        Interacting with servers
    tui           Open TUI

Use as a crate

# cargo.toml

clashctl-core = "*" # Don't add `clashctl`, that will be the binary crate. `clashctl-core` contains API stuff.

Then in your project:

use clashctl_core::Clash;

fn main() {
  let clash = Clash::builder("").unwrap().build();
  println!("Clash version is {:?}", clash.get_version().unwrap())


clashctl comes with a justfile to speed up your development. Especially the command just dev, managed to reproduce the hot reload function in front-end development, with cargo-watch.

Just commands

just dev [ alias: d ]

Hot reload development, auto reload on cargo-check approved changes, with all features enabled

just run {{ Args }} [ alias: r ]

Run with feature cli & ui

just ui

Run UI only

just cli

Run CLI only

just build [ alias: b ]

Build in release mode with feature cli & ui

just add

Project structure

$ tree src -L 2
├── clashctl                # Submodule for binary - Both CLI & TUI
├── clashctl-core           # Submodule for API interaction
├── clashctl-interactive    # Submodule for common dependency of CLI & TUI
├── clashctl-tui            # TUI only binary
├── clashctl-workspace-hack # Workspace hack generated by cargo-hakari
└── ...