This is the exam for the computing brushup. Please follow these instructions:
It is important that you use your forked repository for the rest of the steps.
Launch an instance, T2 Micro (free tier!) is fine for size.
You will need to use a Jupyter Notebook, so be sure to open up a usable TCP port in your security group so that you have http ingress access (i.e. 8888 for the default Jupyter port).
- SSH into the instance you have launched
- Clone your fork of this repository onto the image
- Launch a Jupyter Notebook (be sure to mount a volume(s) such that you can access both the data and the repository!)
sudo docker run -v $PWD:/home/jovyan/work -p 8888:8888 jupyter/datascience-notebook
- Follow the instructions to complete the Jupyter notebook entitled "exam-after.ipynb"
- Commit your changes (with a descriptive commit message!)
- Push your changes to your remote branch
- Make a pull request from your repository to this one.
That's it! Your pull request is the "delivery" of the exam.
Good luck.