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s3-beam is a Clojure/Clojurescript library designed to help you upload files from the browser to S3 (CORS upload).

[org.martinklepsch/s3-beam "0.3.0"]


To upload files directly to S3 you need to send special request parameters that are based on your AWS credentials, the file name, mime type, date etc. Since we don't want to store our credentials in the client these parameters need to be generated on the server side. For this reason this library consists of two parts:

  1. A pluggable route that will send back the required parameters for a given file-name & mime-type
  2. A client-side core.async pipeline setup that will retrieve the special parameters for a given File object, upload it to S3 and report back to you

1. Enable CORS on your S3 bucket

Please follow Amazon's official documentation.

2. Plug-in the route to sign uploads

(ns your.server
  (:require [s3-beam.handler :as s3b]
            [compojure.core :refer [GET defroutes]]
            [compojure.route :refer [resources]]))

(def bucket "your-bucket")
(def aws-zone "s3-eu-west-1")
(def access-key "your-aws-access-key")
(def secret-key "your-aws-secret-key")

(defroutes routes
  (resources "/")
  (GET "/sign" {params :params} (s3b/s3-sign bucket aws-zone access-key secret-key)))

If you want to use a route different than /sign, define it in the handler, (GET "/my-cool-route" ...), and then pass it in the options map to s3-pipe in the frontend.

3. Integrate the upload pipeline into your frontend

In your frontend code you can now use s3-beam.client/s3-pipe. s3-pipe's argument is a channel where completed uploads will be reported. The function returns a channel where you can put File objects that should get uploaded. It might also take an extra options map with the previously mentioned :server-url like so:

(s3/s3-pipe uploaded {:server-url "/my-cool-route"})

An example using it within an Om component:

(defcomponent upload-form [app-state owner]
  (init-state [_]
    (let [uploaded (chan 20)]
      {:dropped-queue (chan 20)
       :upload-queue (s3/s3-pipe uploaded)
       :uploaded uploaded
       :uploads []}))
  (did-mount [_]
    (listen-file-drop js/document (om/get-state owner :dropped-queue))
    (go (while true
          (let [{:keys [dropped-queue upload-queue uploaded uploads]} (om/get-state owner)]
            (let [[v ch] (alts! [dropped-queue uploaded])]
               (= ch dropped-queue) (put! upload-queue v)
               (= ch uploaded) (om/set-state! owner :uploads (conj uploads v))))))))
  (render-state [this state]
    ; ....



  • Allow customization of server-side endpoint (1cb9b27)

     (s3/s3-pipe uploaded {:server-url "/my-cool-route"})


  • Allow passing of aws-zone parameter to s3-sign handler function (b880736)


Pull requests and issues are welcome. There are a few things I'd like to improve:

  • Testing: currently there are no tests
  • Custom route: allow use of other routes than /sign
  • Error handling: what happens when the request fails?
  • Upload progress: XhrIo supports PROGRESS events and especially for larger uploads it'd be nice to have them


Copyright © 2014 Martin Klepsch

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.


direct-to-S3 uploading using Clojure(script)







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