A cube timer project supports keyboard control
Use directly on https://cube.hac.rf.gd
- Support 2x2 - 7x7 Pyraminx, Megaminx, Skewb, Square-1, Clock
- Support +2 and DNF
- Draw Scramble
- Command Palette
if there's anything wrong (eg. something doesn't show up, css not working)
it might because of your browser cache and the new updates
follow these steps:
- goto chrome://settings/clearBrowserData
- ONLY select CACHE then press clear
- refresh HAC-Cube
- this might fix the problem
- but if it's not, submit it to Issues
press ctrl+shift+p to open up command palette
all commands on the help page
Save your session in different devices
you can now use command import
and export
to import and export session
it now only supports files exported from here, but it'll support more formats from other timers soon!
People ever Contributed this project
- latest update on 2024-01-08