Discord bot written in C#, with a lot of funcionalities.
This is one of my first "major" projects regarding coding. The whole bot is written in C# and uses some wrappers, and some pure JSON converted to C# classes for API calls. The prefix for the commands is a dot (.), but you can change that in the Program.cs file.
- help : Shows every command that is available, .help SomeCommand showcases help for that specific command.
- join/play/leave/queue/etc : The bot plays YouTube and other Internet videos while inside of a voice chat.
- pubg (-m) : Displays a users PUBG IDs/stats (account, matches).
- battlefield : Displays a users Battlefield 1 stats.
- csgo : Displays a users CSGO stats.
- pick : The bot will choose one item, between the items you type in. Split them with |.
- faceit (-l ; -id ; -m) : Displays a users FACEIT stats. Lifetime, one match, etc.
- register : Registeres a guest.
- say : Repeats what you typed in.
- vanityurl : Returns the SteamID64 of the user.
- steam : Returns basic steam profile information.
- playerbans : Returns Community, VAC, and economy ban statuses for given players.
- steamprofile : Returns the URL to the steam profile of the user.
- twitch : TODO
- userinfo : Outputs a users info.
- kick : Will kick a player.
- ban : Will ban a player and delete his messages for the past five days.
- purge : Will delete as many messages as you input. Default is one.
Me. And owners of some of the wrappers.
You can find me on these links:
- Discord: I usually go by null exception or Ghosty (or a ghost emoji)
- Steam : Ghosty
- Reddit : GhostyIs1337
IF and only IF you're feeling generous and would like to donate here's my PayPal profile.
If you have any questions about the bot, or anything else, please do contact me on the previous links.
Have fun! :)