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New Test Project

Yaron Weiss edited this page Aug 9, 2018 · 1 revision

New Test Project

All Unit Test projects need to be .NET Core 2.1 - so we can run them on Windows/Linux/Mac

The only exception is when the test open WPF forms like GingerTest which is .Net Framework 4.6.1 - as it connect and launch WPF forms and will run only on Windows


  • Create a new .NET Core DLL project
  • Add reference to the project(should be .NET Standards 2.0) which contains the classes to be tetsed
  • Add any other refences if neeeded to GingerCoreCommon or others
  • Set the test Level at the top of each class - see Test levels doc
  • Test Project - add Nuget: 'MSTest.TestAdapter' and 'Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk'- no need for other test Nuget
  • Create sub folder: TestResources
  • Add ref to GingerTestHelper project Test project should include ONLY the folowing Nuget: