Bookmarklet summaries -
Adblocker - Tries its best to block ads. For example, you could click on the bookmarklet on some random pirated manga site to get rid of all those annoying popups
Autoclicker - Click on the bookmarklet, then on the place you want to auto-click, then every 0.001 the auto-clicker will click on that place only on that tab
Calculator - Simple calculator.
CheatSheet - CHANGE THE BOOKMARKLET CODE; Loads an image from the image address you provide to the bookmarklet. This image can be toggled by clicking the bookmarklet once again
Cookie-Viewer - View your cookies on the site where you ran the bookmarklet
Edit Page On/Off - Edit the website where you ran the bookmarklet as if it were a text file. TOGGLEABLE
Hide - Delete the tab name and icon, making it blank and hiding it from cough other people cough
Invisi-Search - Hide the tab's activity from being monitored through extensions such as GoGuardian.
Measurements - Various tools for Web Design, including measuring or graphing elements.
MetaData - Makes a spreadsheet of the site's metadata so that it is readable
Metric - Convert all imperial measurements on the page (yd, in, ft, Fahrenheit, etc) to metric measurements
Piano - Make a keyboard piano appear at the bottom of the page
Picture-in-Picture - Makes the first HTML5 video on the page picture-in-picture
Ruler - Measures the pixels of the selected areas, along with a lot of other stuff
TabTime - Replaces the name of the tab with the amount of time since you clicked the bookmarklet so as to measure your screentime on that tab
TimeSpeak - Siri voice reads the current time out loud - what the voice says can be changed.
Timer - An on-screen simple timer that lets you input the amount of time
Mouse-Light - Laggy asf flashlight screen effect
Matrix - That one sushi recipe screensaver
Rain - Rain simulation of the user's character and color of choice
3D - The laggiest piece of shit that makes your screen a 3D object
3D-2 - A different 3D algorithm that functions differently and doesn't lag like all hell
YT-Adskip - Skips ads on YouTube when clicked
YT-Ambiance - More effective alternative to the blur behind videos that YouTube offers
YT-Data - When on the homepage of YouTube, when you click on the three dots of each video, you can find a lot of data about the video, including transcript, description, thumbnail, etc.
YT-Download - Lets you download the YouTube video you want, in any quality and format.
YT-Speed - Lets you change the playback speed incrementally. For example at 1.3x speed, or 4.7x speed.
YT-Thumbnail - Lets you download a high-quality version of any YouTube thumbnail.
YT-Transcript - Opens up a separate window with the transcript of the video, synced up.
Blook - Lets you cheat on Blooket
Unlock Blooks - Lets you use any Blook in a live match
Edpuzzle - Skip EdPuzzle video and auto-answers
Quizlet - Link to code to paste in the developer console to autoanswer correctly in Quizlet Live.
Gimkit - Remembers the answers you've gotten wrong and right on a gimkit set
Disguise - Changes the icon and tab name of the tab to disguise it from being monitored by programs such as GoGuardian
GoGuardian Killer - Kills GoGuardian. Duh.