The main testing platform for PyOP2 is Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit with Python 2.7.3. Other UNIX-like systems may or may not work. Mac OS X 10.7 and 10.9 are also known to work. Microsoft Windows may work, but is not a supported platform.
For the impatient there is a script for the unattended installation of PyOP2 and its dependencies on a Ubuntu 12.04 or compatible platform. Only the sequential and OpenMP backends are covered at the moment.
This script will only work reliably on a clean Ubuntu installation and is not intended to be used by PyOP2 developers. If you intend to contribute to PyOP2 it is recommended to follow the instructions below for a manual installation.
Running with superuser privileges will install missing packages and Python dependencies will be installed system wide:
wget -O - | sudo bash
This will fail if you if you require a password for sudo
. Run e.g. the
following beforehand to assure your password is cached
sudo whoami
Running without superuser privileges will instruct you which packages
need to be installed. Python dependencies will be installed to the user
site ~/.local
wget -O - | bash
In each case, PyOP2 will be cloned to subdirectories of the current directory.
After installation has completed and a rudimentary functionality check, the test suite is run. The script indicates whether all these steps have completed successfully and only in this case will exit with return code 0.
Only high-level progress updates are printed to screen. Most of the
output is redirected to a log file pyop2_install.log
. Please consult
this log file in the case of errors. If you can't figure out the cause
of discover a bug in the installation script, please report
This completes the quick start installation. More complete instructions follow for virtual machine and native installations.
A Vagrantfile
is provided for automatic provisioning of a Ubuntu
12.04 64bit virtual machine with PyOP2 preinstalled. It requires
VirtualBox 4.2 and
Vagrant to be installed, which are
available for Linux, Mac and Windows.
Creating and launching a virtual machine is a single command: run
vagrant up
to automatically download the base VM image, configure it
for use with VirtualBox, boot the VM and install PyOP2 and all
dependencies using the above install script.
You can skip over the dependencies list for now, since the instructions below tell you how to install each of these packages.
PyOP2 requires a number of tools and libraries to be available:
- A C compiler (for example gcc or clang), make
- A Fortran compiler (for PETSc)
- Blas and Lapack
- Git, Mercurial
- pip and the Python headers
The following dependencies are part of the Python subsystem:
- Cython >= 0.17
- decorator
- numpy >= 1.6
- networkx
PETSc. We require current master versions of PETSc so you will need to follow the specific instructions given below to install the right version.
Testing dependencies (optional, required to run the tests):
- pytest >= 2.3
- flake8 >= 2.1.0
- gmsh
- triangle
With the exception of the PETSc dependencies, these can be installed
using the package management system of your OS, or via pip
To install dependencies system-wide use sudo pip install ...
, to
install to a user site use pip install --user ...
. If you don't want
PyOP2 or its dependencies interfering with your existing Python environment,
consider creating a virtualenv.
In the following we will use sudo pip install ...
. If
you want either of the other options you should change the command
Installing to the user site does not always give packages
priority over system installed packages on your sys.path
On a Debian-based system (Ubuntu, Mint, etc.) install core packages:
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential python-dev git-core \ mercurial python-pip libopenmpi-dev openmpi-bin libblas-dev \ liblapack-dev gfortran
This may not give you recent enough versions of those packages
(in particular the Cython version shipped with 12.04 is too old). You
can selectively upgrade packages via pip
, see below.
Install dependencies via pip
sudo pip install "Cython>=0.17" decorator "numpy>=1.6" networkx
If your OS release is very old and you are therefore using Python 2.6 instead of 2.7, you need two additional dependencies.
Additional Python 2.6 dependencies:
- argparse
- ordereddict
Install these via pip
sudo pip install argparse ordereddict
You can now skip down to installing :ref:`petsc-install`.
We recommend using Homebrew as a package manager for the required packages on Mac OS systems. Obtaining a build environment for PyOP2 consists of the following:
Install Xcode. For OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) this is possible through the App Store. For earlier versions, try (note that on OS X 10.7 (Lion) you will need to obtain Xcode 4.6 rather than Xcode 5)
If you did not install Xcode 5, you will need to additionally install the Xcode command line tools through the downloads section of Xcode's preferences
Install homebrew, following the instructions at
Install an MPI library (PyOP2 is tested with openmpi):
brew install openmpi
Install an up-to-date Python via homebrew:
brew install python
Do not follow the instructions to update pip, since they currently result in a broken pip installation (see Homebrew/legacy-homebrew#26900)
Install numpy via homebrew:
brew tap homebrew/python brew install numpy
Install python dependencies via pip:
pip install decorator pip install cython pip install mpi4py pip install pytest pip install flake8
On Mac OS we do not recommend using sudo when installing, as such
when following instructions below to install with pip just remove
the sudo
portion of the command.
PyOP2 uses petsc4py, the Python bindings for the PETSc linear algebra library and requires:
- an MPI implementation built with shared libraries
- The current PETSc master branch built with shared libraries
If you have a suitable PETSc installed on your system, PETSC_DIR
need to be set for the petsc4py installer to find
There are no current OS PETSc packages which are new enough. Therefore, unless you really know you should be doing otherwise, always install PETSc using pip.
Then install PETSc via pip
sudo PETSC_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS="--download-ctetgen --download-triangle --download-chaco" \ pip install unset PETSC_DIR unset PETSC_ARCH
If you intend to run PyOP2's OpenMP backend, you should additionally pass the following options to the PETSc configure stage
--with-threadcomm --with-openmp --with-pthreadclasses
If you built PETSc using pip
should be left unset when building petsc4py.
Install petsc4py via pip
sudo pip install git+
If you have previously installed and older version of PETSc or petsc4py,
might tell you that the requirements are already satisfied when running
above commands. In that case, use pip install -U --no-deps
to upgrade
prevents also recursively upgrading any dependencies).
If you only intend to run PyOP2 on CPUs (not GPUs) you can now skip straight to :ref:`pyop2-install`, otherwise read on for additional dependencies.
- boost-python
- Cusp 0.3.1
- codepy >= 2013.1
- Jinja2
- mako
- pycparser >= 2.10
- pycuda >= 2013.1
The cusp library version 0.3.1 headers need to be in your (CUDA) include path.
Note: Using the trunk version of Cusp will not work, since revision f525d61 introduces a change that break backwards compatibility with CUDA 4.x.
Install dependencies via the package manager (Debian based systems):
sudo apt-get install libboost-python-dev python-jinja2 python-mako python-pycuda
Note: The version of pycparser available in the package repositories
is too old, you will need to install it via pip
, see below.
Install dependencies via pip
sudo pip install codepy Jinja2 mako pycparser>=2.10
If a pycuda package is not available, it will be necessary to install it
manually. Make sure nvcc
is in your $PATH
if in a non-standard location:
export CUDA_ROOT=/usr/local/cuda # change as appropriate git clone cd pycuda git submodule init git submodule update # is in a non-standard location on Ubuntu systems ./ --no-use-shipped-boost \ --cudadrv-lib-dir="/usr/lib/nvidia-current,${CUDA_ROOT}/lib,${CUDA_ROOT}/lib64" python build sudo python install sudo cp /etc/
- Jinja2
- mako
- pycparser >= 2.10
- pyopencl >= 2012.1
pyopencl requires the OpenCL header CL/cl.h
in a standard include
path. On a Debian system, install it via the package manager:
sudo apt-get install opencl-headers
If you want to use OpenCL headers and/or libraries from a non-standard location you need to configure pyopencl manually:
export OPENCL_ROOT=/usr/local/opencl # change as appropriate git clone cd pyopencl git submodule init git submodule update ./ --no-use-shipped-boost \ --cl-inc-dir=${OPENCL_ROOT}/include --cl-lib-dir=${OPENCL_ROOT}/lib python build sudo python install
Otherwise, install dependencies via pip
sudo pip install Jinja2 mako pyopencl>=2012.1 pycparser>=2.10
Installing the Intel OpenCL toolkit (64bit systems only):
cd /tmp # install alien to convert the rpm to a deb package sudo apt-get install alien fakeroot wget tar xzf intel_sdk_for_ocl_applications_2012_x64.tgz fakeroot alien *.rpm sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite *.deb
The --force-overwrite
option is necessary in order to resolve
conflicts with the opencl-headers package (if installed).
Installing the AMD OpenCL toolkit (32bit and 64bit systems):
wget # on a 32bit system, instead wget tar xzf AMD-APP-SDK-v2.8-lnx*.tgz # Install to /usr/local instead of /opt sed -ie 's:/opt:/usr/local:g' default-install_lnx*.pl sudo ./
PyOP2 allows initializing data structures using data stored in HDF5 files. To use this feature you need the optional dependency h5py.
On a Debian-based system, run:
sudo apt-get install libhdf5-mpi-dev python-h5py
Alternatively, if the HDF5 library is available, sudo pip install h5py
Clone the PyOP2 repository:
git clone git://
PyOP2 uses Cython extension modules, which need to be built in-place when using PyOP2 from the source tree:
python build_ext --inplace
When running PyOP2 from the source tree, make sure it is on your
When installing PyOP2 via python install
the extension
modules will be built automatically and amending $PYTHONPATH
is not
To make sure PyOP2 finds all its dependencies, create a file .env
e.g. in your PyOP2 root directory and source it via . .env
using PyOP2. Use the template below, adjusting paths and removing
definitions as necessary:
#PETSc installation, not necessary when PETSc was installed via pip export PETSC_DIR=/path/to/petsc export PETSC_ARCH=linux-gnu-c-opt #Add PyOP2 to PYTHONPATH export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/PyOP2:$PYTHONPATH
Alternatively, package the configuration in an environment module.
PyOP2 unit tests use pytest >= 2.3. Install via package manager:
sudo apt-get install python-pytest
or pip:
sudo pip install "pytest>=2.3"
The code linting test uses flake8. Install via pip:
sudo pip install "flake8>=2.1.0"
If you install pytest and flake8 using pip --user
, you should
include the binary folder of your local site in your path by adding the
following to ~/.bashrc
or .env
# Add pytest binaries to the path export PATH=${PATH}:${HOME}/.local/bin
If all tests in our test suite pass, you should be good to go:
make test
This will run code linting and unit tests, attempting to run for all backends and skipping those for not available backends.
Start by verifying that PyOP2 picks up the "correct" dependencies, in particular if you have several versions of a Python package installed in different places on the system.
Run pydoc <module>
to find out where a module/package is loaded
from. To print the module search path, run:
python -c 'from pprint import pprint; import sys; pprint(sys.path)'
Run the tests as follows, to abort after the first failed test:
Start with the unit tests with the sequential backend
py.test test/unit -vsx --tb=short --backend=sequential
With all the sequential tests passing, move on to the next backend in the same manner as required.