You can play with the plugin here
Install the package with Bower
$ bower install jquery-particles-burst
If you don't use Bower, simply copy the files from dist/
Include the required resources in your html
<link rel="stylesheet" href="jquery-particles-burst.css" />
<script src="vendors/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="vendors/jquery-particles-burst.min.js"></script>
Then you can generate particules from any element
<div id="emitter"></div>
$('#emitter').pburst('burst_part', 20);
This will generate 20 stars (the default particle sprite) from #emitter
Makes a particle appear on the emitter, offset in a random direction and disappear
parameters: number, the number of particles to burst
Creates number of particles by calling create_part
$('#emitter').pburst('burst_part', 20);
default: 'star.png'
Specify your image as particle
$('#emitter').pburst({particle: 'your_sprite.png'});
default: 150
Maximum translation radius in pixel (randomized from 0)
$('#emitter').pburst({partoffset: 200});
default: 1000
Maximum duration of the translation in milliseconds (randomized from 0)
$('#emitter').pburst({duration: 2000});
default: 100
Maximum duration between each particle in milliseconds (randomized from 0)
$('#emitter').pburst({duration: 500});