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High performance generator of data

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It is able to generate data :

  • randomly distributed
    • On SSD it can persist a billion events to FileSystem with 60GB of data in 20 minutes using just 6GB of Heap
    • it is basically as fast as your SSD, I benched ~ 90MB/s
    • note that s3 upload is way slower
  • with precise specific cardinality
    • fast, not CPU intensive, only memory consuming
    • generating billion events requires 4.5GB+ of Heap because in order to implement value Cardinality you need to keep 1 billion of Ints in memory and these primitive 32bits Ints itself take 4GBs
  • variety of probability distributions
    • slower, CPU intensive, not memory consuming
    • expect performance decrease in case you are not running on quad-core processor, bottleneck can move from IO to CPU (not on s3)
    • ie. events of 1000 fields each with its own Normal distribution(mean 0, variance 0.2) are generated 70MB/s on quad-core with parallelism 4
  • on custom automatically generated paths
    • TimeSeries data is commonly stored to paths having pattern like yyyy/MM/dd/HH because having a directory millions of files is a nightmare
  • to files/s3Objects of a certain size limit
    • technologies mostly cannot deal with huge files, so having a chance to limit file size to say 50MB is a MUST

How to

Data can be generated to blob storages, if you do so, you should have these variables exported or stored in file :

$ cat ~/.aws/aws.env 

or in case of google :


Then you're all set, use gwiq/randagen docker image with sample data definition :

  • use -v flag to make output data (in case of FS storage) accessible
  • don't forget to change -Xmx appropriately
docker run --rm --env-file=/home/ubuntu/.aws/aws.env -v /home/ubuntu/tmp:/tmp -e JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=-Xmx4g gwiq/randagen-app ARGS

Just use real arguments instead of ARGS ^, usage : Usage

 randagen <format> [<batch-flush-megabytes-limit>] <records-count> <parallelism> <storage> <compress> <path>


   <format>                      : [ tsv | csv | json ]
   <batch-flush-megabytes-limit> : When to flush in-memory data to disk or network
   <records-count>               : How many records to generate
   <parallelism>                 : How many threads should be leveraged for data generation
   <storage>                     : [ s3 | gcs | fs ]
   <compress>                    : Whether to gzip output or not
   <path>                        : S3 of FS path: [ bucket@foo/bar  | /tmp/data ]

Example arguments :

format  batch-flush-megabytes-limit  records-count  parallelism  storage  compress  path
tsv          50                         10000000         2          s3       true     bucket@foo/bar
csv          50                         10000000         4          fs       false    /tmp/data
json         50                         10000000         4          fs       false    /tmp/data

Note ^^^ that

  • parallelism is decreased to just 2 cores when storing data to s3 because it is way slower outside ec2 cloud
  • batch-flush-megabytes-limit is a batch maximum byte size restriction
    • data will by stored to max 50MB big files or s3Objects in case of fs or s3 storage

Or use it as a dependency / project / library :

resolvers ++= Seq("GitHub Package Registry (GlobalWebIndex/randagen)" at s"")
libraryDependencies += "net.globalwebindex" %% "randagen" % "x.y.x"


dependsOn(ProjectRef(uri(""), "randagen-core"))

or, 10000000, Parallelism(4), JsonEventGenerator, FsEventConsumer(targetPath), eventDefFactory)

eventDefFactory describes the whole data set, see the Sample Event Definition!