Finite State Machine that is satisfying dependencies within partitioned/layered directed acyclic graph until it is fully saturated
| V2 |X3|
| | | +--+
| +--+---------------->P1|
| V5 |X2|
| |X3|
+-++ +-------------------> | +--+
|P1| |P1| +--+------------>P1|
V1 |P2+--------------->X2| V8 |X2|
|P3| V3 |X3| |X3|
P4 ---------> | | | +---------------> |
+-++ +--+ |P1| +^-+
| V6 |P2| |
| |X3| |
| +-------------------> | |
| |P1| +--+ |
+---------------->P2| |
V4 |P3| |
| | +----------------+
V7 |X2|
| |
- V1-8 = Graph Vertices
- P1-4 = Partitions
- X1-3 = Missing partitions, ie. graph edge P3 - X3 is a dependency that needs to be satisfied
This system was designed to orchestrate an ETL pipeline or a system of microservices, it could be used together with mawex as a task/job execution engine. Ie. your pipeline would let :
- saturator decide what should be done based on changes in user system like new/created or changed partitions or outcome of job executions
- mawex take care about the actual ETL job or microservice execution
- DagFSM is provided with initial state that represents state of the outer world (eg. partitioned storages)
- DagFSM starts saturating (issuing commands to the user system) dependencies until all vertices in all partition DAGs are Complete and the FSM is idle
- In the mean time, DagFSM asks user system for :
- newly created partitions that are added as a new layer to partitioned DAG
- partitions that changed in the user system so that it can re-evaluate particular partition DAG
libraryDependencies += "net.globalwebindex" %% "saturator" % "x.y.x"
dependsOn(ProjectRef(uri(""), "saturator-core"))
Note that this library is tested on :
But can run on different plugin like akka-persistence-cassandra, it is just a matter of how high your throughput is.
See demo at example/
$ cd docker
$ docker-compose -f saturator-$plugin.yml up