version alpha:
- A small demo for volumetric clouds, SDF mesh and noise based ocean
- Terrain: Houdini heighfield for heightMap, Substance designer for Texture, and Custom Shader for final result
- Clouds: Precomputed 3D woley noise and 2D cloud texture for base Shape, raytracing + downsampling + TAA for rendering
- Mesh SDF: Mesh made with Maya, sampled to SDF 3D texture and combined with 3D noise, write depth first then render with drawmesh
- Ocean: base noise algorithm from TDM shadertoy, added atmosphere scattering of sky for refelct
- GlobalFog: effect ocean by add ray plane intersection when generate worldpos from depth map, some tricky calculate for sun fade and horizontal fog
UBW version:
- Added Godrays with TAA + bilateralBlur + TAA for over 8x downsample denoise
- Added Custom clouds shadow by store shadowmap at godray texture's alpha channel
- Added bilateralBlur for clouds denoise
- contruct custom clouds depth info which stored at alpha channel and gear depth for intersection with gears and clouds
- replace Sunlut with fast atmosphere scattering compute for current suncolor
- added voronoi variation tilling for terrain
- integrated clouds and godrays effect into postprocessing pakage