#Minimalistic pupil size detection The is an simple image processing program with the objective of detecting the size of the pupil.
Citation: L. Vázquez Romaguera et al (2015) Pupil Segmentation Approach on Low Resolution Images DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-13117-7_110
The algorithm is:
- input
- selecting the channel in rgb
- histogram equalization
- thresholding
- Morphological closing operation
- Morphological opening operation
- Find the largest object of connect components8) Draw a rectangle around the largest object
- determine the pupil size by calculating the average of the sides of the rectangle
- it will not give accurate results unless you provide an image of an well lit eye
- since it finds the largest component after thresholding, there must not be a dark and big component other than the pupil.