This is the repo for the GoodCollective protocol and dapp, use it to:
- Create pools for rewarding climate stewards
- Create Basic Income pools with dynamic members
You can clone the repo with git
git clone
install dependencies
yarn install
build all packages locally
yarn build
To start a local node with the deployed contracts:
cd packages/contracts yarn deploy
You can now import types,contracts and deployed addresses see
for example:import GoodCollectiveContracts from '@gooddollar/goodcollective-contracts/releases/deployment.json'; import { ProvableNFT, DirectPaymentsFactory, DirectPaymentsPool, } from '@gooddollar/goodcollective-contracts/typechain-types'; const registry = new ethers.Contract( GoodCollectiveContracts['31337'][0].contracts.DirectPaymentsFactory.address, GoodCollectiveContracts['31337'][0].contracts.DirectPaymentsFactory_Implementation.abi, localProvider ) as DirectPaymentsFactory;
- Using the sdk you can create a new DirectPaymentsPool and mint climate actions NFTs
- Upon minting the NFT the pool will distribute rewards according to the NFT data, if there's enough G$ balance in the pool.
- Users can also use superfluid G$ streams to support pools
- for more details about using the sdk look at the README in sdk-js
struct NFTData {
uint32 nftType; // should be non zero, automatically assigned by the DirectPaymentFactory
uint16 version; // version should be updatd by the pool/nftType manager
string nftUri; // extra data related to nft that was minted (usually "proof of..."), or general data like the event types
EventData[] events; // list of climate action events that this nft represent
struct EventData {
uint16 subtype; // event type should be managed by the pool/nftType manager. type number to human readable should be supplied in the ipfs data of the nft or event
uint32 timestamp; // when event happened (unix timestamp, ie seconds)
uint256 quantity; // arbitrary quantity relevant to the event, used to calcualte the reward
string eventUri; //extra data related to event stored on ipfs or other external storage
address[] contributers; // reward will be split between the event contributers
The direct payments pool will send rewards per each event using the following formula:
eventIndex = find indexOf event.subtype in settings.validEvents
rewardPerContributer = settings.rewardsPerEvent[eventIndex] * event.quantity / contributers.length
The app is designed as a webapp but using react-native-web so it should also compile to native.
to run on ios/android follow the instructions for react-native to install ios/android development frameworks
cd packages/app
yarn web (or yarn android or yarn ios)
The directories that you'll use are:
Solidity contracts
React Native Web App
Typescript sdk to interact with the contracts
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