Top AutoHotkey scripts to get more out of Windows
Useful AutoHotkey scripts (Windows) for quick lookup, in-line calculator, remap keys, battery alert, and more.
- Download and install main program (one-time step)
- Download a script (
) or copy paste script content in a text file and then rename it with.ahk
- Right-click ->
Run script
You can also run scripts by double-click, or do right-click ->Open with
- Bonus: you can right-click and
Compile script
to make it a standalone*.exe
program which would run without needing to install AutoHotkey first.
scripts inside /drafts folder are not tested properly and might not work. The rest of the scripts should work fine.
Method 1:
- Open startup folder: open
window byWin+R
and then writeshell:startup
and enter. - It'll open explorer at something like this path:
C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
- Copy script (
) -> go to thatStartup
folder -> right-click and selectPaste shortcut
Method 2:
- Put
at startup folder. Make sure to put the correct path of your ahk scripts in that file first.
Put it at the beginning of the script:
; check if it is running as Admin, if not reload as Admin. put at top
if not A_IsAdmin
Run *RunAs "%A_ScriptFullPath%"
Check Run this program as administrator
autohothey.exe > properties > compatibility > settings
Official docs -
AutoHotkey Expression Examples
#NoTrayIcon ;if you don't want a tray icon for this AutoHotkey program.
#NoEnv ;Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#SingleInstance force ;Skips the dialog box and replaces the old instance automatically
;;SendMode Input ;I discovered this causes MouseMove to jump as if Speed was 0. (was Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.)
SetKeyDelay, 90 ;Any number you want (milliseconds)
CoordMode,Mouse,Screen ;Initial state is Relative
CoordMode,Pixel,Screen ;Initial state is Relative. Frustration awaits if you set Mouse to Screen and then use GetPixelColor because you forgot this line. There are separate ones for: Mouse, Pixel, ToolTip, Menu, Caret
MouseGetPos, xpos, ypos ;Save initial position of mouse
WinGet, SavedWinId, ID, A ;Save our current active window
;Set Up a Log File:
SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir% ;Set default directory to where this script file is located. (Note %% because it's expecting and unquoted string)
LogFile := "MyLog.txt"
FileAppend, This is a message`n, %LogFile% ;Note the trailing (`n) to start a new line. This could instead be a leading (`n) if you want. (Note %% because it's expecting and unquoted string)