This is a bridge between WordPress and Symfony2.
This bundle will allow you to :
- find published posts/pages
- all of them
- by slug
- find attachments by mime-type, specifically images
That's all !
Inspired (a lot!) by :
- and its active fork
I re-did the bundle from scratch because I wanted working and clean tests at all times. Plus, it's a learner's project.
You should not use this bundle, as using both WordPress AND Symfony2 is a bad practice, but until the CMF is media-ready this is a good enough alternative in some fast-food cases.
Create your wordpress as usual
Add this bundle to your composer.json
Register this bundle in your AppKernel.php
Configure in app/config.yml
goutte_wordpress: # WP tables prefix, default is 'wp_' table_prefix: wp_
Configure your parameters.yml to point towards the wordpress database
You'll need the Entity Manager
$em = $this->get('doctrine')->getEntityManager(); // whichever way you're using to get the em
Will only fetch posts, not pages nor attachments. (see below on how to get those)
$postRepository = $em->getRepository('GoutteWordpressBundle:Post');
$posts = $postRepository->findPublished(); // finds all published posts
// finds a maximum of 5 published posts after omitting the first 3
$posts = $postRepository->findPublished(5,3);
// finds one post by its slug, or returns false
$post = $postRepository->findPublishedBySlug('hello-word');
$pageRepository = $em->getRepository('GoutteWordpressBundle:Page');
$pages = $pageRepository->findPublished(); // finds all published pages
// finds a maximum of 5 published pages after omitting the first 3
$pages = $pageRepository->findPublished(5,3);
// finds one page by its slug, or returns false
$page = $pageRepository->findPublishedBySlug('hello-word');
$attachmentRepository = $em->getRepository('GoutteWordpressBundle:Attachment')
// Find all images (attachments whose mime-type starts with 'image/')
$allImages = $attachmentRepository->findImages();
// any mime subtype works as parameter, juste make sure to spell it as wordpress does (eg: jpeg vs jpg)
$pngImages = $attachmentRepository->findImages('png');
$jpgImages = $attachmentRepository->findImages('jpeg');
// you can also pass an array, for convenience
$transparentImages = $attachmentRepository->findImages(array('gif','png', 'webp'));
// you may also use directly the query builder, for flexibility
$documentsQb = $attachmentRepository->cqbForTypeAndSubtypes('application', array('pdf','msword'));
$documentsQb = $documentsQb->orderBy('a.comment_count', 'DESC'); // see BasePost Entity for field name
$documents = $documentsQb->getQuery->getResult();
Copy phpunit.xml.dist to phpunit.xml
Configure KERNEL_DIR
Register this bundle in your AppKernel.php
Update your composer.json, as we are using Doctrine Mocks. This is not optimized, how can I restrict this to the test env ?
"autoload": { "psr-0": { "Doctrine\\Tests\\DBAL": "vendor/doctrine/dbal/tests/" } }
/!\ Make sure you have another database setup for your tests, because the suite will ruin the database !
Run !
- WordPress >=3.4.2 and <=3.5
- WordPress assumes it will be run in the global scope, so some of its code doesn't even bother explicitly globalising variables. The required version of WordPress core marginally improves this situation (enough to allow us to integrate with it), but beware that other parts of WordPress or plugins may still have related issues.