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Govind.S.B edited this page Oct 15, 2023 · 1 revision

Getting Started with the Exam Hall Seat Allocator App

  • A Credits screen will display contributor's information and GitHub links.
  • Use the App Drawer to effortlessly switch between the Halls, Students, and Generate pages, providing access to different functionalities within the app.
  • The Halls Page provides functionality related to exam halls and seating arrangements.
  • The Students Page is dedicated to managing student information.
  • The Generate Page enables PDF generation.

Halls Page Guideline

The Halls page allows you to manage and track information about different halls. You can add new halls, edit existing hall details, and clear the table if needed.

Adding a Hall

  1. Enter the hall number in the designated input field.
  2. Enter the capacity of the hall in the corresponding input field.
  3. Click the "Add" button to add the hall to the table.
  4. Ensure that both the hall number and capacity fields are filled before adding.

Table Structure

The table displays the following information for each hall:

  • Hall Name: The name or identifier of the hall.
  • Capacity: The maximum number of people the hall can accommodate.
  • Actions: Allows you to edit the hall details or remove the hall entry

Editing Hall Details

  1. Locate the hall you wish to edit in the table.
  2. Click the "Edit" button (represented by a pen icon) in the row of the desired hall.
  3. Modify the hall name and/or capacity in the respective fields.
  4. Click the "Tick" button in the same row to save the changes.
  5. To discard the changes , click the cross button next to the pen icon.
  6. To delete a hall detail , click the delete icon in the desired row

Clearing the Table

  1. To clear the entire table and remove all hall entries, click the "Clear Table" button.
  2. Confirm the action when prompted to ensure you want to clear the table.
  3. Exercise caution as this action cannot be undone.

Students Page Guideline

The Students Page allows you to input the details of the students who will be taking the exams.

Adding Student Details

  1. Enter the class or grade to which the students belong in the text field.
  2. Enter the roll numbers of the students who will be taking the exams. You can add roll numbers in the following formats:
    • Individual students: Enter a single roll number separated by commas (e.g., 1, 25, 50).
    • Range of students: Enter a range of roll numbers separated by a hyphen (e.g., 1-30).
    • Combination of both: Combine individual roll numbers and ranges using commas (e.g., 1, 5-10, 20).
  3. Enter the subject in which the students will be taking the exams.
  4. Click the plus icon (+) to add each subject to the list, or it will result in a null entry.
  5. Click Submit.

Tip : Before entering the class and taking attendance, it is advised to include all the subjects you have exams for in the subjects list. Then, you can choose the subject you need from the list and click submit

Viewing The Table

Different view options to manage and edit the exam hall seating arrangements. You can switch between the following view modes using the navigation options provided above the table

  1. Default View

    • ID: Displays the unique ID or roll number of each student.

    • Subject: Displays the subject in which each student will be taking the exam.

    • Actions: Lets you edit or delete each student's information.

      1. Edit : click the Edit icon (✎) in the respective row. This allows you to modify the student's ID or subject. Once you have made the changes, click the Done icon (✔) to save the changes, or click the Cancel icon (✖) to discard the changes.
      2. Delete : To remove a student's information from the table, click the Delete icon (🗑️) in the respective row. This will permanently delete the student's entry.
  2. Subject-based View

    • Subject: Displays the subject name .
    • Actions: provides action for editing the subject name for the entire class.
      1. Edit : To modify the subject name ,click the Edit icon next to it
  3. Class-based View

    • Class: Displays the class or grade information.
    • Subject: Displays the subject for the class.
    • Roll List: Displays the roll numbers of the students taking the exam.
    • Actions: Provides options for editing or deleting the class , subject and roll list individually.
      1. Edit : To make changes to the class details, including the subject and roll list, click the Edit icon right next to each element.
      2. Delete : To remove an entire class and its details from the table, click the Delete icon in the respective row.

You can also click the "Clear Table" button located in the top right corner of the table in each view to remove all data entry.

Note: The Table View displays the current seating arrangement information. Any changes made here will affect the exam hall seating plan. Make sure to review and confirm the changes before proceeding.

Generate page guideline

The generate page will allow you to generate and obtain the seat allocation based on the details provided in the halls and students page.


-Session ID field. -Generate button. -Folder button.

Session ID

  • Here you can enter the date in which the exam is being conducted.
    • Note: - The format for entering the date is ( DD-MM-YYYY FN/AN ) - The FN/AN indicates whether the exam is being conducted forenoon or afternoon. - If the session ID is provided in the wrong format, a pop-up message will be shown.


  • After entering the session ID in the correct format, click the [⚙️] icon to save the session ID.

Generating the PDF file

-To generate the PDF file based on the details provided earlier, press the "Generate" button below the session ID field.

  • Note: If there is any issues with the data inputted, the PDF file generation will be failed and a pop-up message will be shown.


Accessing the generated PDF

  • To access your generated PDF file, click on the [📁] icon next to the Generate button.

    • Note: - If there is any errors or missing inputs, the PDF will not be generated, thus you will not get any output.
  • A folder will be opened where your file is generated.

  • You can access your file here and see all the seat allocations based on the inputs provided.

Tip : You can close the error pop-up message by clicking the [✖] icon on the top right corner of the pop-up message.