This project achieves to provide all the basic algorithms associated with graphs to available as an API endpoint. The request can be made as a POST request and the body should contain the JSON data of the edge list that defines the graph. If the data is correctly parsed, a suitable algorithm can be applied to it to return a result of the vertices(currently) or metadata associated to it. Below are some examples that demonstrate the usage of the rest-api.
If you want to check the return values, then check the main page for accessing the algorithms.
Currently, we are in a beta stage, so only BFS and DFS have been added.
Since we are in beta stage, only BFS and DFS have been added. We are planning to add the following algorithms -
- TopoSort / Cycle Detection
- Finding connected components (Undirected)
- Flood Fill
- Topological Sort (Directed acyclic graph)
- Bipartite graph check
- Graph edges property check via DFS spanning tree
- Finding articulation points and bridges
- Finding strongly connected components in directed
- Kruskal
- Prim
- SSSP on unweighted graph
- SSSP on weighted graph
- SSSP on Graph with negative weight cycle
- Floyd Warshall's Algo
- Ford Fulkerson's Method
- Edmond Karp's Algo
- Flow Graph Modelling
- Directed Acyclic graph
- Tree
- Eulerian Graph
- Bipartite Graph
There are two ways to use Graph-API.
- Use the web version
- Make a POST request
We are using the command line terminal to request the graph-api. You can make the same request using other languages
at the API Endpoint -
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data @body.json
# body.json contains the JSON data of the request
Since at the beta stage we are supporting only 2 algorithms, the JSON format of the request is rather simple - Supported Algorithms -
"algo" : "bfs"
BFS"algo" : "dfs"
{"algo" : "bfs", "values" : [{"src" : "0", "dest" : "1", "weight" : "11"},{"src" : "1", "dest" : "2", "weight" : "11"},{"src" : "2", "dest" : "3", "weight" : "11"},{"src" : "3", "dest" : "0", "weight" : "11"}]}
If there are any issues with the API or the web-app, please create an issue.
Open Source Project made with love by Yash Sharma @yashrsharma44
and Biswajit Ghosh @Biswajitghosh98
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Yash Sharma 💻 |
Biswajit Ghosh 💻 |
Rajiv Singh 💻 |
Devjit_Choudhury 💻 |
Debanjan Saha 💻 |
aaditya-ag 💻 |
130sayan 💻 |
Vivek Javiya 💻 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!