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Repo for AadAuthenticationFactory powershell module that allows various ways to authenticate with AAD.


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This module provides unified experience for getting and using tokens from Azure AD authentication platform. Experience covers this authentication scenarios:

  • Interactive authentication with Public client flow and Delegated permissions. Uses standard MSAL implementation of Public flow with Browser based Interactive authentication, Device code authentication, Resource Owner credentials, Windows integrated authentication (supports ADFS-federated tenants) and WAM (authentication with Windows broker)
  • Non-interactive authentication with Confidential client flow and Application permissions. Uses standard MSAL implementation of Confidential client with authentication via Client Secret of via X.509 certificate or with Federated credentials (Workload authentication scenario)
  • Non-Interactive authentication via Azure Managed Identity, usable on Azure VMs, Azure App Services, Azure Functions, Automation accounts and Arc enabled servers, or other platforms that support Azure Managed identity. Supports both System Managed Identity or User Managed Identity.

Module supports standard AAD tenants as well as AAD B2C tenants. Module has been tested on Windows (PS Desktop and Core), MacOS and Linux.

Note: Some authentication methods are not available in all scenarios (e.g. WAM and Windows integrated authentication only work on Windows)

Module comes with commands:

Command Usage
New-AadAuthenticationFactory Creates factory responsible for issuing of AAD tokens for given resource, using given authentication flow
Get-AadAuthenticationFactory Returns instance of factory specified by name (or null if factory with given name was nto created) or all factories created in current sesison
Get-AadToken Tells the factory to create a token. Factory returns cached token, if available, and takes care of token renewals silently whenever possible, after tokens expire
Test-AadToken Parses Access token or Id token and validates it against published keys. Provides PowerShell way of showing token content as available in
Get-AadDefaultClientId Returns default client id used by module when client id not specified in New-AadAuthenticationFactory command
Get-AadAccount Returns specified account or all accounts cached in specified instance of factory

Module is usable two ways:

  • as standalone module to provide Azure tokens ad-hoc or in scripts
  • by other modules to provide instant Azure authentication services without the need to implement them - just make dependency on AadAuthenticationFactory module in other module and use it to get tokens for resources as you need. This is demonstrated by CosmosLite module and ExoHelper module


Sections below provide example of various way of getting autthenticated with the module.

Simple usage with single factory and default Public client

Module caches most-recently created factory. When name specified for the factory, factory can later be retrieved via Get-AadAuthenticationFactory command, passing name of the factory as parameter. Factory uses Client Id of Azure Powershell app provided by MS. Sample uses browser based authentication and gives Delegated permissions configured for Azure Powershell for Graph API to calling user.
Sample demonstrates examination of resulting Access and ID tokens issued for calling of Graph API.
Note: Access tokens for Graph API fail to validate - this is by design according to MS - see discussion here: AzureAD/azure-activedirectory-identitymodel-extensions-for-dotnet#609

#create authnetication factory and cache it inside the module
New-AadAuthenticationFactory -TenantId -DefaultScopes '' -AuthMode Interactive | Out-Null

#ask for token
$Token = Get-AadToken

#examine access token data
$Token.AccessToken | Test-AadToken | Select -Expand Payload
#examine ID token data
$Token.IdToken | Test-AadToken | Select -Expand Payload

#ask for token to different resource using authentication provided earlier
$Token2 = Get-AadToken -Scopes

#ask for fresh token with reauthentication of user
$Token = Get-AadToken -ForceAuthentication

Simple usage with single factory and custom client with client secret

Module caches most-recently created factory. Factory uses custom Client Id with client secret.

$appId = '1b69b00f-08f0-4798-9976-af325f7f7526'
$secret = 'xxxx'
#create authnetication factory and cache it inside module
New-AadAuthenticationFactory -TenantId -ClientId $appId -ClientSecret  $secret | Out-Null

#ask for token
$Token = Get-AadToken -Scopes ''

#examine access token data
$Token.AccessToken | Test-AadToken | Select -Expand Payload
#examine ID token data
$Token.IdToken | Test-AadToken | Select -Expand Payload

Custom app id and certificate auth with Confidential client

This sample creates authentication factory for getting tokens for different resources for application that uses X.509 certificate for authentication.

#load certificate for auth
$thumbprint = 'e827f78a78cf532eb539479d6afe9c7f703173d5'
$appId = '1b69b00f-08f0-4798-9976-af325f7f7526'
$cert = dir Cert:\CurrentUser\My\ | where-object{$_.Thumbprint -eq $thumbprint}

#create factory for issuing of tokens for Graph Api and Azure KeyVault.
#single factory can issue tokens for multiple resources/scopes
$factory = New-AadAuthenticationfactory -tenantId -ClientId $appId -X509Certificate $cert -DefaultScopes ''

#get tokens
$graphToken = Get-AadToken -Factory $factory
$vaultToken = $factory | Get-AadToken -Scopes ''

#examine tokens
Test-AadToken -Token $graphToken.AccessToken
Test-AadToken -Token $vaultToken.AccessToken

System assigned Managed identity or Arc-enabled server

This sample assumes that code runs in environment supporting Azure Managed identity and uses it to get tokens.

#create factory that uses managed identity, without scopes
#factory is stored is session varioable so no need to store it explictly if it is single factory used
New-AadAuthenticationfactory -UseManagedIdentity | Out-Null

#get tokens from factory stored in session variable
$configToken = Get-AadToken -Scopes ''
$vaultToken =  Get-AadToken -Scopes ''

User assigned Managed identity

This sample assumes that code runs in environment supporting Azure Managed identity and uses it to get tokens, and shows access token properties.
Get-AadToken uses implicit authentication factory cached by most recent call of New-AadAuthenticationFactory.

#create a factory with default scopes
New-AadAuthenticationfactory -DefaultScopes '' -UseManagedIdentity -ClientId '3a174b1e-7b2a-4f21-a326-90365ff741cf'
#retrieve a token from  factory and examine it
Get-AadToken | Select-object -expandProperty AccessToken | Test-AadToken | select-object -expandProperty payload

Resource Owner Password Credential flow

This sample uses ROPC to get token to access Azure Key Vault. Get-AadToken uses implicit authentication factory cached by most recent call of New-AadAuthenticationFactory.

$creds = Get-Credential
New-AadAuthenticationFactory -TenantId '' -ClientId $graphApiClientId -ResourceOwnerCredential $creds -RequiredScopes '' | Out-Null
$Token = Get-AadToken

On-Behalf-Of flow

This is useful for testing of authentication flows in multi-tier apps.

$myTenant = ''
$myNativeClientId = '<enter appId of client app talking to 1st tier>'
$myFrontendScopes = ''
$myFrontendAppId = '<enter appId of 1st tier app talking to 2nd tier>'
$myFrontendClientSecret = "<enter client secret of 1st tier app>"
$myBackendScopes = ''

#create named factory to get access token for frontend
New-AadAuthenticationFactory -Name Frontend -TenantId $myTenant -RequiredScopes $myFrontendScopes -ClientId $myNativeClientId -AuthMode Interactive
#get access token for frontend app. You can reference factory by name
$frontendAppToken = Get-AadToken -Factory Frontend
#observe claims in access token for frontend app
$frontendAppToken.AccessToken | Test-AadToken | Select-Object -ExpandProperty payload
#observe claims in Id token for native client app
$frontendAppToken.IdToken | Test-AadToken | Select-Object -ExpandProperty payload

#create factory to retrieve token as frontend app on behalf of user
#Note: app has to present its client secret/certificate to get on-behalf-of token
New-AadAuthenticationFactory -TenantId $myTenant -RequiredScopes $myBackendScopes -ClientId $myFrontendAppId -ClientSecret $myFrontendClientSecret -name Backend
#retrieve access token
$backendAppToken = Get-AadToken -Factory Backend -UserToken $frontendAppToken.AccessToken
#observe claims in access token for backend app
$backendAppToken.AccessToken | Test-AadToken | Select-Object -ExpandProperty payload
#observe claims in Id token for frontend app
$backendAppToken.IdToken | Test-AadToken | Select-Object -ExpandProperty payload

WAM based authentication

This option provides transparent SSO with currently logged-in user account.
Note: This option Works only on Windows platform.

New-AadAuthenticationFactory -TenantId '' -AuthMode WAM
Get-AadToken -Scopes '' | Test-AadToken -PayloadOnly

Login with federated credentials

This option allows passing JWT token obtained from federated identity provider and use it to get AAD token via federated credentials. For real-life usage, see azure-automation-devops-integration repo, where we use this approach to exchange Azure DevOps JWT token for AAD token to manage Azure Automation account. Code to be found in Manage-AutomationAccount script that implements Azure pipeline task.

$tenantId = ''
#appId of app registration with federated credential
$clientId = 'd01734f1-2a3f-452e-ad42-8ffe7ae900ef'
#implement JWT token retrieval yourself
$assertion = Get-JwtTokenFromExternalIdentityProvider
#use the JWT token to create factory
New-AadAuthenticationFactory -TenantId $tenantId -ClientId $clientId -Assertion $assertion
#retrieve AAD token
$headers = Get-AadToken -Scopes '' -AsHashTable

Login to B2C tenant

This option provides option to get AAD token usable to authenticate with applications integrated with B2C tenant

$myB2CTenant = ''
$myB2CClientId = 'd01734f1-2a3f-452e-ad42-8ffe7ae300bf'
$myB2CClientRedirectUri = 'http://localhost:44351/'
$myB2CLoginApi = ""
$myB2CAPI = "$myB2CTenant/13e25c85-a23a-4858-b988-4f171265a92d"

New-AadAuthenticationFactory -ClientId $myB2CClientId -TenantId $myB2CTenant -AuthMode Interactive -B2CPolicy 'B2C_1_siso' -LoginApi $myB2CLoginApi -RedirectUri $myB2CClientRedirectUri
Get-AadToken -Scopes "$myB2CAPI/.default" | Test-AadToken -Verbose


Repo for AadAuthenticationFactory powershell module that allows various ways to authenticate with AAD.







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